Some Afterlife Research and Evidence Links

While it is not this blog's intent to try and convince anyone about the existence of the afterlife, sometimes I forget that not everyone is familiar with the huge - HUGE - amount of modern afterlife evidence that has been gathered ever since William Crooks first published his mediumship research in The Quarterly Journal of Science in ... wait for it ... 1874! Some of the finest scientific minds in the world at the time considered this to be scientific proof of the afterlife.

Since then there has been a lot of scientific research that demonstrates the existence of the afterlife.  Here are some good sources to start with:

The Scole Experiment - documentary and book about a recent set of experiments, full materializations, apports, photos, more.

The Afterlife Experiments - mediumship studies under strictly controlled scientific protocols

Evidence of the Afterlife - book on Amazon about current NDE research

A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife - book on Amazon, summary of evidence

University of Virginia Afterlife Research - a whole channel on YouTube about UVA afterlife research, lots of great videos.

One might ask why, if there has been so much research, we don't hear about it from various science magazines or institutions?  That's because there is an extreme anti-"paranormal" bias throughout the upper echelons of the scientific community, and those who research these things are quickly marginalized as kooks. Let's remember that even non-"paranormal" scientific discoveries and research has, throughout history, been mocked, ridiculed and angrily rejected by the mainstream at the time.  The reason for this is that any sufficiently different scientific model that shakes up the status quo can disrupt entire fields of study, ruin careers and even threaten the reputations of those who have built up and built upon the old order of scientific knowledge. Many fields of research and many of those who are now respected as pioneers ahead of their time were, in their time, ridiculed and rejected.

Also consider the implications of afterlife research; it undermines far, far more than one simple field of science; it undermines the entire framework of modern existence in most places around the world, from politics to religion, from law to virtually every field of science. Imagine the difficulty of bringing forth research that would so dramatically undermine so much of the current geopolitical, social, scientific and religious power structure.  

Of course this field is largely ignored, marginalized and ridiculed because what the evidence indicates is contrary to what most people on the planet - especially those in various positions of editorial and public content consumption - believe.  Most are philosophical materialists/atheists, or are members of standard religions, and would find this information highly disruptive to their worldviews.

Philosophical materialism dominates the institutions of Western science and and academia, which produces future scientists and polices the editorial and funding system, keeping a strict materialist stranglehold on official publications and research. Recently many scientists  created a manifesto for a post-materialist science to try and change this scientific ideological soft censorship:

 Manifesto For a Post-Materialist Science 
