About This Blog

My beloved Irene passed from this world on Tuesday, April 11, 2017.

A few words on our life here together that are relevant: we are soul mates.  She knew this before we met, dreaming of me and my name before getting the first letter from me.   Within five days we were experiencing what can only be described as a reunion of two beings that had been unconsciously longing for each other for the entire 30+ years we had lived before coming together, and embarking on an incredible journey of love and faith.

Over the next 27 years, with God's help, we met every challenge and problem and found ourselves becoming even deeper and more thoroughly in love and stronger together after each challenge.  We both firmly believed that an afterlife existed and that existence there was much like existence here, only much, much better and in some ways quite different.  We had both read extensively about the afterlife from various sources and had experienced an incredible number of miracles, signs, spiritual beings, and guidance from God and the spirit realm.  We talked at great length about wanting to leave this world together if possible, but if that was not the plan then whomever went first would, of course, do all they could to stay in contact with the other as well as other family and friends, providing what help and guidance they could.  

Our plan, though, also included that whomever remained in this physical world, do all they can to stay in contact with the other in addition to finishing up whatever needed to be done here before leaving.  As it turns out, that part of our plan falls to me, and this is my journal describing those efforts, because I hope that perhaps an account of our journey can be of help to others attempting to maintain and develop their relationship with their loved ones that have passed.  

I am trying my best, with all I have, to not just maintain contact with Irene, but to develop as fulfilling and complete a "transdimensional" relationship with her as I can for as long as I have left in this world.  

Added 9-21-2017: 
On the September 16, 2016 blog entry I noted that my attempts have met with success!  I can state without equivocation that Irene and I, working together, have entirely defeated my grief.  That doesn't mean that I am not occasionally sad for a very short duration, but occasionally feeling some sadness that is quickly dispelled is not grief - it's just normal life and emotion. The vast majority of my time now is full of the same sense of satisfaction, joy and love that she and I had before she passed.  I had no idea or realistic hope I would find such success in my efforts so fast.

You can read for yourself how that happened by starting with my first entry here dated April 11, 2017 and continuing through September 16, 2017 in the form of my daily blog entries describing what I was doing and experiencing to achieve this. Briefly, I use affirmations, intention, prayer, visualization, imagination and attention all focused towards connection and communication with her.  I ask for help from her, God and spirit guides, guardian angels, friends and family already passed over.  I am attentive to and appreciative of signs she and others gave me and talked to them about what I am experiencing. I talk to her and imagine her with me throughout the day every day.  In short, I made a very strong effort to act and think as if she was alive on the other side and as if she and others could see me, hear me, give me signs and otherwise help me.

Since the 16th (actually, since before that, since I waited about a month to declare success to make sure my grief was gone), our efforts are now about doing what we can to take this relationship and our communication and interaction as far as we can while I'm still here and sharing it with others. I invite you all to continue reading about our transdimensional adventure as it unfolds past that date.

I am currently working on a book that will describe the process I used in overcoming my grief and re-acquiring that fulfilling sense of connection to my wife in a more direct and succinct way than reading through all those blog posts, but they still provide a very good description of what I actually did and went through each day.  As soon as the book is done I will post free access to digital versions of it here.

You can find a very brief description of that process on this post.

Added 11-18-2017:
The book is finished and it is available to read for free under the tab "The Book" at the top of the blog.

Added 5-23-2018:
Irene and I are currently enjoying a very wonderful, fulfilling transdimensional relationship that is in many ways even better than when she was here physically with me.  We are happily planning and creating our ongoing, eternal relationship. I never dreamed I could be this happy and feel this whole and complete in this situation!

William J. Murray

(The first couple of months of posts on this blog are back dated and pulled from my personal journal.)


  1. Your journey sounds so much like mine. My soul mate John passed from this life back to Home on May 24, 2010 but we still have a life together. I too have been blogging about it and even just published a book about it. I am so happy to hear I am not alone. I look forward to hearing about your experiences.

    1. Welcome, Joy! Can you direct me to your blog and your book? I'd love to have a look if you don't mind.

    2. Hi William, it's Louise from the Afterlife Topics group. Glad I found your blog :) I too would love to know the title of your book, Joy. I like the way you say that you and John still have a life together. Believing that this is possible is the reason I can move forward in healing from the death of my beloved husband Ken (04 Nov. 2016).

    3. My book is titled I WIll Never Leave You: a soul mate's promise. It's on Amazon. I'm on my phone so I can't link to it from here. My blog is Finding My Way johnandjoycollins.blogspot.com

    4. And, Louise, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Ken. This is a sad club we all belong to and if it weren't that I had these communications from John I don't know how I would be able to continue. William's story is encouraging to me, too. I know I am here for a reason. I feel that my book and my own spiritual growth is the reason. Here's the link: https://smile.amazon.com/Will-Never-Leave-You-promise/dp/0988985039/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1506000572&sr=8-3

    5. I added links to your book and blog my sidebar, Joy. I look forward to reading both. Our best thoughts and prayers go out to you.

    6. Thank you so much, William! My thoughts and prayers to you as well. To all of us on this journey.

  2. I love that photo of you and Irene

    1. Those wedding photos are some of my favorites - SO glad Gail took those!!

  3. My dear husband Jos who died on July 22nd/17 told me (He would never
    leave me) we were married 54 years. Best wishes and prayers to all of you!

  4. I just heard your interview with Roberta Grimes, thank you for that. The love of my life transitioned last June and we have been in contact but dealing with the sadness and grief is sometimes very difficult but I know that we are eternal beings and we will be together again in Spirit.

  5. The love of my life transitioned last June and we have been in contact on mostly a daily basis through signs (feathers, repeating numbers, her scent, dreams, pendulum dowsing, etc) and I want to try to help others as I learn more about this. Thank you. Bill.

    1. You are welcome to join our FB group Love After Life and video-conference Zoom group meetings that Mary Beth Spank and I co-host on this subject for romantic soul-mate transdimensional relationships.


      Wishing you all the best in this trying time!


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