How I Defeated Grief and Developed a Fulfilling Relationship With My Soul Mate After She Died

Update 7-22-2018

On Friday, July 20, 2018, we achieved our goal of having a completely real astral visitation with each other. It was amazing!  I never lost consciousness transitioning from this dimension to the one where we are together.  The conversation we were having telepathically in our bed here flowed seamlessly into my actually being in a room, sitting next to her, having that same conversation with her. 

Although I was conscious when my experiential scene flipped from lying in bed to sitting on a couch in a room next her, it took me several minutes to become fully cognizant of the fact that I was actually feeling the couch, actually seeing her and everything else (including my own hands when I gestured while talking).  I could hear her voice and mine.

You can read more about it starting here.

(Updated 12-18-2017 - WJM - New Sequential Post Archive Started & Book Now Available on Amazon)

I have posted my book, "Love After Life," so it can be available for those that need help now.  It can be found here, under the "The Book" link in the page list at the top of the blog. Love After Life details specifically the process I used in overcoming grief and continuing the fulfilling, joyful relationship I have with my wife, Irene, who crossed over.  You can now also find it available as an ebook on Amazon.  You might also be interested in joining our Love After Life Facebook group.

For those who came here wanting to read how I defeated my grief and continued connection to my soul mate after she passed, you can read that book and also my day-to-day account starting with the first entry and continuing through September 16, 2017.  I have started adding a sequential archive system you can find in the blog sidebar or menu that will make it easy to read everything in sequence. I've already completed organizing the April and May 2017 entries into that system and will continue as quickly as I can.

Originally, this blog was about my ongoing attempt to defeat grief and redevelop a fully satisfying relationship with my soul mate, Irene, who crossed over on April 11, 2017.  I had no real expectation that I would re-establish or continue the satisfying connection of our relationship and defeat grief in so short a time.

You can read those first few months of entries and see what I went through in detail, how I (and those on the other side helping me) worked through it, to understand how I (we) accomplished this. If you do not believe in a form of life after death where our loved ones can still interact with us here, my process is not likely to do you much good. For those that come here first, the book is posted in its entirety for free. I also offer the book on Amazon just to have it available to a broader audience who might benefit from it.

However, since we have defeated my grief, the nature of the blog going forward has changed to one of chronicling our ongoing efforts to find out how much of a "transdimensional" relationship we can develop in the time I have left here.  As we explore this relationship, its challenges and its opportunities, and as I have further experiences, I will also write about what I have learned about the afterlife, information from various resources and research, and my own philosophy about it.

Briefly, however, my process for defeating grief centered around expanding and focusing my attention on information about the afterlife, something I had already been interested in as a sort of intellectual hobby for most of my life.  I linked to some of the resources I found helpful in the sidebar; I particularly recommend Soul Smart by Susanne Wilson to begin with if you are currently grieving, or trying to prepare yourself for the death of a loved one.  Understanding Life After Death by Cyrus Kirpatrick is another great book to read that has many references you'll want to check out to help your journey down this path.

The afterlife is a very big topic and you'll probably need to read a lot to get a basic, working idea of it.  To boil it down to what was essential knowledge for me to get over my grief, here are the main, salient points: when someone dies, it is just the physical construct they are wearing to operate in this particular physical dimension that deteriorates.  Another body, called the astral or heavenly body, exists "within" that body that leaves near or at the time of death.

That body goes to the astral (or heavenly, if you prefer) dimension because that is what the matter of the astral body is attuned to; that dimension co-exists with ours, but the subatomic particles have a higher vibrational frequency.  This transdimensional relationship between Earth and this nearby, local astral dimension area is the reason for all sorts of so-called paranormal phenomena, but what we're interested in is our departed loved ones.

Upon death, they all are greeted and taken care of on the other side because coming here and learning, growing and experiencing is one of the main focuses in the nearby astral world.  Usually it is our family and friends who have already passed that greet us and help us with whatever we need, to sort of re-acclimate to the nature of, and conditions of, the nearby astral afterlife world.

That world is a lot like this world - cities, nature, oceans, food, people, clothes, homes, grass, animals, etc.  Mind, however, has a lot more influence in that world and, as I said, it is of a more refined physical matter which does not age or decay, and that world is not subject to entropy.  Our bodies are perfect physical specimens of our idealized human form, but with our individual appearances as intact as we would like them.  We can appear differently (different age or less "perfect") if we wish over there. We have no need for food or drink but can eat and drink there if we wish.  It also just "feels" better to exist in that world - there's a good reason it's called "Heaven" by so many.

After they pass, our loved ones are very interested in us and can hear us and feel us when we turn our attention to them, whether we speak out loud or just in our mind.  It is important to realize that they want to interact with you as much as you want to interact with them.  However, they do not become omnipotent or omniscient just because they have gone to the astral world. Some people require a bit of recuperation after they die, depending on their state of mind or the circumstances of their death.  Also, it may take them a while to learn how to, and then develop the skill of, communicating and interacting with you.

It may take you, in this world, some time to get to an emotional and mental state where you will be able to accept, recognize and understand that communication when it comes, which is the reason reading good materials on the afterlife and afterlife communication is important.  Training the mind, using focus, attention, intention, affirmation, prayer and intuition are important aspects of directing your consciousness and life into the experience of defeating grief and regaining your joyful relationship with your loved one.  Troubled mental states are a barrier to their ability to communicate and interact, so putting oneself in a good state of mind on this side is essential, which is why I endorse reading or watching the materials that help you with this. When you understand that your loved one is fine, still alive and literally with you but only in a different dimension, and can hear and see you and can - now or later - interact, it helps set the mind at ease for further and better communication.

I use lots and lots of prayer, intention, affirmation and meditation; I (obviously) keep a journal, and I believe it is very important to do so, for many reasons.  I talk to my wife, spirit guide and spirit team constantly, both in my mind and out loud, and make sure to be grateful for and to acknowledge everything I consider to be a sign or message from them.  They love and appreciate it when we, on this side, acknowledge them and interact with them because so few here do that. It also lets them know when something they have done got through to us correctly - they are not omniscient, and they cannot see everything that occurs here or read your mind when you are not addressing them.

Remember, emotions, states of mind and thoughts are energies and have power - not only here, but especially over there. This is why you should work hard on feeling love, gratitude, affection, light-hearted humor, and envision yourself and those on the other side helping you bathed in energetic, heavenly light.  Such thoughts, feelings and symbols help immensely in moving you towards your goal. You can invent your own positive messages and images that resonate with you and what you want to achieve.

If you have questions feel free to post in the comment section - all posts will be delayed after you enter them because they go into the moderation queue first, so don't think your post didn't work. As I said, I'm working on a book to more fully explain and flesh out my process.

Thank you and good luck, we hope our story can be of help to you.
