I'm Really Not A Spiritual Person

I know this might sound strange after reading prior entries, but I really don't consider myself a "spiritual" person.  Unlike a lot of people that believe in and talk about the afterlife, souls, soul-mates, etc., I don't see it all as part of some kind of grand "spiritual advancement" plan where souls learn and grow and become more loving and kind, etc. I don't really consider talking about multiple realities and afterlife dimensions to be any more "spiritual" than talking about other planets, solar systems and galaxies, or talking about parallel quantum universes.

If this were a science fiction movie, in my opinion life here on the Earth we're used to would be like a "hologram deck" out of Star Trek that we visit from time to time, and our real life is actually outside of the "holodeck" world we call the physical universe.  It's like a role-playing game we willingly enter in order to have certain kinds of experiences for various reasons, experiences that are unavailable to us except through physical incarnation where we lose our memory of where we came from and are faced with a mortal existence in a world full of things that simply don't exist in our true life beyond the veil of death.

Now, don't get me wrong - I don't think the physical universe is exactly like a holodeck; I think it is as real as any other dimension that exists. I just don't think it's our real home.

I believe Irene and I came here for very specific reasons - not to "advance our soul" or gain ground on higher spiritual levels or because of karma or fix some sort of spiritual flaw.  No, I think we came here to develop in ourselves a greater capacity to enjoy, appreciate and love each other, our friends and family, and the very nature of our true home. There may have been other reasons.  I wouldn't call such an effort spiritual or spiritual advancement; it's more like going to some kind of training camp to acquire certain skills and perspectives.

I don't think our going to heaven/the astral after death is any more of a "spiritual" thing than flying back home after visiting a foreign country.  I don't think our astral bodies are any more "spiritual" than our physical bodies.  I think people use the term "spiritual" to separate themselves, or what they do or believe, from other things they consider "non-spiritual", when the fact is we're all in the same creation going down whatever path our intention/attention takes us though in this vast multi-reality, multi-dimensional multiverse of experience. How we label it and assign it are just aspects of our own perspective and the particular slice of multidimensional reality we inhabit.


  1. Oh my gosh ! No way ! Me too ! That's actually my first thought when Star trek introduced the holodeck 😀


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