Irene Hides The Remote
I was talking to Irene and watching something recorded in the living room and decided to go into the den to turn the TV on early and pause it for Wheel of Fortune. I walked into the den and got the TV set and walked back into the living room and realized I hadn’t turned off the TV. The remote wasn’t on the coffee table where I usually leave it. The coffee table is clean - no clutter, only the remotes, a couple of coasters and a picture of Irene and me. This kind of thing has been happening lately where I think I’ve misplaced a remote, but it turns out I just overlooked it (or so I thought) and it’s right where I already looked – on the coffee table. I got in the habit of actually counting the remotes on the table (I have 6) and making sure I consciously examine the table to make sure I’m not just missing it. I counted them - 5 remotes. I make sure to look at each one when I count and scrutinize the entire table. I figured I must have absent-mindedly took it with me when I we...