The Identity Matrix Model of Existence, Part 2

As some of you know, I co-host an Automatic Writing Zoom group associated with AREI.  Often I begin automatic writing when triggered by certain questions or comments I run across (something I've always done, I just didn't realize it was "automatic writing".   A few days ago it was a question in the Soul Mate Facebook group about how to tell if something is really contact with our loved one or just in our own heads.  It triggered me to start writing.
This is the third version; I refused to post the first two because of the tone and because it just too much to try and digest.
  Eventually I got this version - apparently I wasn't going to be able to do my regular job until this got worked out.  It seems that with this I've put out all the information that was contained in that "download" I got a few months ago - and that's a relief.  Anyway, it's an extension of another post from a month ago.


In an infinite creation, everything - every situation, timeline, set of experiences, everything - necessarily exists. Ultimately, what we experience as "real" - the set of sequential experiences we live in - is a choice.  That is the terrible and wonderful nature of having free will in an infinite creation and a completely responsive Source.  It is a power and responsibility few are willing to accept. We hide (resist) that power with doubt, fear, insecurity and inability between us and our goal, which manifests as needing aid by others, higher selves, spirit guides, tools, books, etc.  We hide that it is our choice by making the process slow, arduous, building knowledge and understanding over time, requiring evidence and verification, making it seem like we are discovering the "real" reality and not just choosing our reality experiences out of an available infinite variety. 

"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.
This mind is the matrix of all matter." - Max Planck, Nobel Prize winning physicist, one of the founders of quantum physics.
"A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction." - RC Henry, professor of physics and astronomy.
"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."  Luke 17:21

"Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself." - Rumi

"The mind is everything. What you think you become." Buddha
"You are free to create your world as you want it to be, while others are creating their world as they choose it." - Abraham-Hicks.
"The mind reels when we realize that, according to this interpretation of quantum mechanics, all possible worlds coexist with us." - Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics.

If all possible worlds simultaneously coexist within us and depend entirely on our consciousness to be experienced as real, then "creating your reality" really means "finding the reality you want inside you and tuning in to it." All possible permutations exist within us; only we can authorize it, tune into it via imagination, thought, and emotionally-connected visualization. Only we can empower it, and validate it; only we can dismiss our fears, doubts and insecurities - even if we do all of that by continuing the arduous task and effort of putting all of that outside of us into our exterior reality, separated from us by time and distance, collecting evidence and authoritative approval, wondering if this or that was a "real" experience, or if something was a sign or just a coincidence.

If you want to be with your loved one right now, enjoying their company, talking to them, you can easily tune into that real event - one of countless such interactions the two of you are having in an eternal, timeless love story - simply by imagining it; what you imagine, what you see in your mind, what they say to you is as real as you allow it to be. 

