So Many Signs, Confirmations & Synchronicities

Since Irene crossed over last April, I've done a pretty good job documenting a lot of the signs, synchronicities and confirmations I've received.  Even though this blog is full of those events, this doesn't even come close to a full accounting of what all has transpired.  I don't know how often our numbers have appeared, or there will be immediate support and confirmation of thoughts I've been having, or the birds and squirrels will come along and do things that demonstrate I've got support and that Irene and my team are with me.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that these events occur virtually every day, and most days I get multiple such events a day. Lately, the synchronicities are coming several times a day.  An example is that day before yesterday I had a passing thought that it would be cool to have a big, fancy treehouse on our astral island, and the next day a pinterest pin popped up with a treehouse - not just any treehouse, a great big full home in the trees.  I'd literally never seen a treehouse on my feed before then.

Virtually every time I look at the clock our numbers are on it.  Yesterday and the day before when I turned on the TV, the channel had been changed to HGTV and one of Irene's favorite shows was playing - Fixer Upper.  This has happened several times but here is the thing: I never come in and turn on the TV and the channel has changed to some other channel with something playing that Irene never watched. It's always HGTV with Fixer Upper on, or the ID Network with Sgt. Joe Kenda on. Never anything else.

More than that are the multiple tiny encouragements that I get daily supporting what I am writing or going through and experiencing.  There's just so much I usually only write it down when there is something new or it's really spectacular.

I don't know why I'm so particularly blessed with this kind of support and encouragement, but it's been going on since Irene crossed over, and here lately it seems to be increasing so much I don't even have time to write down the more major instances before something else happens.  I just want to thank Irene here and whomever else is involved for all the loving attention and support.
