Writing All Morning, Then Synchronistic Confirmations

I've had SUCH a great day today!

Last night I went to bed very early and woke up about 2:00 and immediately felt like writing on our new book, "The Afterlife Adventures of Bill & Irene".  I wrote for several hours, having to take several breaks due to the euphoria and doing visualizations with Irene as the writing progressed.  Instead of feeling mentally tired I was full of energy and our connection was incredible.  I felt totally satisfied and whole with her and she was coming through very clearly and easily.

Perhaps an hour later the Jehova's Witnesses came by and, as usual, we chatted a bit.  He pulled up a video on his tablet for me to watch and there was this scene playing out of this man and woman holding each other's hand while walking on a white sand beach with palm trees and crystal clear turquoise waters.  It might as well have been a scene from our visualizations that morning and for the past several days.  

Then the minister started talking - he was only here for about 10 minutes - but a picture of The Last Supper came up on his tablet and he talked for a couple of minutes about it.  In my writing earlier, I had written this:

"To call what they were experiencing “ecstasy” would be to call Da Vinci’s The Last Supper “a painting,” ...

Two amazing, immediate synchronistic confirmations that came within an hour of writing!
