Yes, I'm A Channeler - My Coming Out Post

So, this is a "coming out" post.

I'm a channeler.  I channel information easily and it is prolific.  In fact, a lot of the time I just refuse to do it.  I've refused to put most of the information I get out into the world unless I first edit it profusely and characterize it entirely as it being my opinion, my personal perspective. A large portion I've just never really shared, except very rarely on this blog.  This has been going on since the early 1990's when I channeled two books that were published by Loompanics: Anarchic Harmony and Unconditional Freedom.

I didn't know that was going on at the time. After I became the co-host of Sheila Lowe's Zoom group on automatic writing and mediumship, I read up on what those and other terms meant, and realized I had been channeling/automatic writing since I started writing that first book.  The content just came to and through me - it wasn't any effort and these things just write themselves, while I look and and am usually shocked, thrilled and totally surprised at what is being written.

I'm not "coming out" to lend any more importance or authority to anything I say; I'm doing so just to be honest with both those that read what I write or hear what I say in various groups and the provenance of that material; and, frankly, to be honest with myself about it.  I can't say that I enjoy coming out because I think it might, in some people's minds, lend whatever comes through me unearned validity or authority.

That said, the information that has come through to me has been supported and validated too consistently by other sources for me to have any other option here, because not admitting to it now would a form of dishonesty, both to myself and to others.   I no sooner get information than, that very day, someone or something totally and directly validates it.  Which is interesting, because I don't require external validation, I only care that the information is useful in a practical sense. The rest of the world can validate that something is real or works, but if it doesn't work for me, I ignore it.

I've realized that the validations I keep getting aren't really for my sense of validation, per se - but rather to bring me to the point where I've got to actually be honest about what is going on.  I can't ignore, deny or hide it any more.  It's having more of an effect on other people's lives that I ever thought would happen, so I feel the need to come out.

The main reason I don't share the bulk of what I've channeled is because that information is, IMO, far too disruptive. I worry about disrupting people's belief systems and worldviews.  Frankly, I don't see any real purpose or point in doing that to people.  While the information has been transformative and very helpful for me personally, I have a long history of entertaining and incorporating radical ideas.  My beliefs are very lightly held, for the most part, so the information I get isn't that disruptive for me personally.  It doesn't threaten my identity.  Plus, I've had over 25 years of processing and working with it.

The channeling can take over when I'm talking (for those of you that have me in a Zoom group, I usually refer to myself going into "preacher" mode and try to shut it down as quickly as I can).  I've been using channeling also for conversations with family and friends and in my work.  It's actually so easy that I often don't even realize it's going on until I catch myself well into it.

What or whom am I channeling from? That's a good question, and I'm not sure that I can answer that in a manner that would be mutually agreeable to both myself and any listener.  I would say it this way: I'm channeling information that is available to me. I get downloads of information, and if I set my attention on it I can tap into an apparently endless stream.  I've written whole books that I've deleted because I'm just not comfortable putting that information into the world.  Lately I've been working to channel only information that I think might be helpful and non-disruptive to those in the groups I'm in, although I will playfully introduce some of the disruptive information in the form of questions or alternative perspectives on a subject.

Now, all that said, I'm going to give some basic information about the main thing I've been channeling and critically reasoning about since the early 1990's.  Please be advised that the following information might be disruptive to your current beliefs and views, so I strongly recommend that you don't place any of your free will ability to discern what is best for you in my hands.  You are completely free to ignore and disagree; I am not asserting that what follows is the best perspective for anyone.

I call the informational model "Experientialism".  As far as I've been able to discern, it seemlessly incorporates and explains ... well, everything. All views. All models of existence. Seemingly contradictory afterlife information. Holographic and simulation theory. Reincarnation. The experience of spiritual levels and spiritual progression, and the experiences of those who are not spiritually inclined.  It explains the existence of what we call evil and suffering. It is fully in concert with several theories of consciousness, mind, and the nature of ongoing experience - the Abraham-Hicks perspective, reports of infinite dimensions from Jurgen Ziewe, Craig Hogan's video series on the mental nature of all experience, etc.

It seems preposterously ambitious, but the thing is that all of those things can be explained and brought into concert via an extremely simple simple understanding: all experience is in mind. Please note, I did not say "each individual's mind". I said "in mind". We are individual consciousnesses (observers, really) in an infinite realm of mind. Or, some people might prefer the term "spirit."

To break down some essential points:

1. There is no external physical world.  The experience of a consensual physical environment is not the same thing as there being an actual, external physical world. Matter does not actually exist.

2. Every sentient individual is a perfect, enlightened,eternal being doing what perfect, enlightened eternal beings do.  However, not everyone you meet is a sentient individual.

3. We (sentient individuals) have complete free will, not to be confused with free action.  There is no external, objective judgement on anything we do; all such judgement is ultimately that individual's.

4. We interact with each other in what appears to be a consensual environment inasmuch as our personal identity construct allows. We experience what our identity construct demands and allows - nothing more, nothing less. Experiential integration for individual needs and desires is limitless and perfect.

5. We are all channeling, "talking to spirit", and moving transdimensionally at all times.  Every thought, image, physical movement, idea, bit of imagination or feeling, what our attention is on, etc., is representative of these things; they are essential to sentient existence.  We do it all naturally, without even considering it. It is ubiquitous.

I'll stop there, because that's really a lot.

Anyway, that's me coming out with my channeled information.  If anyone wants to discuss any of this, let me know - we can meet up on my private Zoom channel.


  1. Wow that all reverberated well with me and i am a Swedenborgian. Thanks for coming out bro. Enlightening the world however so small is an awesome undertaking


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