My Psychological Life With Irene
With the perspective of now over two years of developing and achieving a very fulfilling relationship with Irene, I have a better grip on what I was actually doing the whole time - and still am. I understand it better because I have a better understanding of what is going on and how it all works - what the different levels of existence are and represent, how it all takes place in mind and - essentially - my external world is a reflection of my internal world. What I have been building is a fully developed psychological life with Irene, one where she and I share the same physical space psychologically - in other words, in our minds. The only distinction between now and the way it was before she crossed over is that I have what is called "cognitive blindness" when it comes to interacting with her in my external-world experience. Simply put, she doesn't register in my usual external physical senses, so we have been developing our connection and interaction...