My Psychological Life With Irene

With the perspective of now over two years of developing and achieving a very fulfilling relationship with Irene, I have a better grip on what I was actually doing the whole time - and still am.  I understand it better because I have a better understanding of what is going on and how it all works - what the different levels of existence are and represent, how it all takes place in mind and - essentially - my external world is a reflection of my internal world.

What I have been building is a fully developed psychological life with Irene, one where she and I share the same physical space psychologically - in other words, in our minds.  The only distinction between now and the way it was before she crossed over is that I have what is called "cognitive blindness" when it comes to interacting with her in my external-world experience. 

Simply put, she doesn't register in my usual external physical senses, so we have been developing our connection and interaction internally to provide the same psychological effect as if I could see, hear and touch her physically.  To combat the internal subconscious programming that makes me feel like Irene is "gone," this requires (for me, personally) consistent mental interaction with Irene, because the physical senses - at least most of the time - and society around us constantly reinforces the idea that she is "gone."

This is where I have found that being on the same page with Irene with a well-developed narrative is extremely useful. The problem with a lot of afterlife and astral plane information is that there are so many different narratives they can create doubts and knock you out of your good psychological space.  This can also happen when your daily life is disrupted by other people or going to different locations physically: the psychological  narrative is interrupted or overwhelmed.

While Irene and I used to imagine ourselves primarily in our astral castle, we have settled on a much easier and more familiar shared location - the house we have lived in and have been happy in for about 20 years now and in which I am still living.  In our narrative, we are still living together in it; her sensory range when she looks around her is picking up the astral information; I am picking up the physical-Earth information, even though we are looking at the same space.  She can tune into me and my surroundings with all her senses because she is not cognitively blocked from experiencing it whenever she wants.

When I go somewhere, she goes with me.  If people visit, she is there and can see, hear and touch them.  We eat, sleep and watch TV together, have our other quiet time discussions.  We carry our conversations out mostly in our minds, though I do still talk out loud from time to time.  We often practice my seeing her, hearing her and feeling her touch because we know it's just a matter of getting past the cognitive blindness.  We go on adventures using shared visualization and meditation techniques.  Yesterday we did this while we drove into town and back - we just started role-playing as if we were meeting for the first time and it was awesome. 

This narrative that Irene is always with me, living here and interacting with me is constantly playing in my mind.  It's easy and comfortable because it completely fits in with my ordinary daily life.  Of course, the astral version of this home is different, but that's just something we can explore, talk about, and interact with during visualizations - like the pool she can experience in the back yard that I can't see right now.  Of course, I have work to do, both for a living and around the house, but that requires very little of my active concentration.  There's always time to give Irene a mental pat on her butt or for her to give me a little kiss or squeeze my hand, tell me that she loves me.  Not everyone has the kind of daily life that affords them such a deep immersion, so those quick little moments can be very impactful.

I deliberately do not pursue any additional afterlife information because I don't want disruptions to this exquisite narrative and the wonderfully intimate, fulfilling psychological life we have created for ourselves.  I have learned that the subconscious is affected by everything we experience, even by information we know is false or misleading, even by information we reject - it still goes into the subconscious, so I protect our internal life with great vigilance.
