A Quote From Jurgen Ziewe

Jurgen Ziewe, an OOBE explorer and author of Vistas of Infinity, Multidimensional Man and The Ten Minute Moment, said the following in the AREI Facebook group (quoted with permission):

"Unlimited freedom is one of the core aspects of universal consciousness. This is why the principle of freedom has been entered by us into our basic human rights. If there were restrictions in any shape or form laid on us after we die, then universal consciousness would have invalidated itself. So it is our limited human perspective which alone forces restrictions upon us. We may outgrow our basic human needs but that doesn’t invalidate the needs of others. Fortunately one of the functions of our continuing existence is that we are able to respond and satisfy all unfulfilled needs and desires without exceptions, from the most basic, even debased, to the highest and most sublime."

I find great comfort in these words, and they echo my own view about our creative ability and our free will. I take it a bit further though, and extend our creative ability - to some degree - to this world, before we die. What we experience throughout creation is the result of our own desires, needs and intentions being made manifest through the creative power of source (or God, if you will). This is much faster and much more evident in the more refined worlds beyond this one, but even so, what our mind is set on now, what we choose to build as the content of our thoughts and character, is what we are creating both here and, more importantly, in the next world.

This is why I focus my prayers, intentions, affirmations, intentions and visualizations on that which generates feelings of love, appreciation, gratitude, joy, enthusiasm, laughter, etc. I focus on Irene and I together here and in the afterlife in all sorts of fun and joyful events and activities, whether it's just sitting out enjoying some coffee and a view of sunrise, or curled up with each other and talking, taking a walk on the beach or enjoying a swim, or seeing us having fun at some afterlife market and theme park. I am using my creative power of imagination and visualization to make manifest that which I know we both desire.

Reading books that describe the afterlife and organize it into levels and cities and social structures is fine (and often essential to get a good grounding), but in my opinion what we read shouldn't be accepted as a limitation to what we can experience. We have the free will and creative authority to make manifest that which we yearn for in our hearts. Jurgen's words above resonate as affirmation that we need not - should not - worry about what is in store for us after we die and whether or not it will meet the yearning in our hearts, but rather to accept our creative power and responsibility to start manifesting our experience here and in our afterlife now.
