Amazing Synchronicity Stretching back 28 Years & More Music

For the past few days Irene is putting this song in my head several times a day.
I wake up with it playing in my head and I'll find myself very happily humming along or singing it.

Yesterday Joy Collins posted music her husband on the other side played for her, and it was this song:

Perfect song for people with loved ones on the other side, but at the 1:25 mark it got personal to me as they began using the word "Always".  Irene and I would always sign notes and cards to each other with the world "Always".  On September 8th of last year she brought my attention to a new "our song" by Shania Twain - "Forever and For Always". 

I was writing a reply to Joy when I remembered that "Always" was also the  name of the very first movie I ever took Irene out to see, starring Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter.  I remember I wanted to take her to it because it had Holly Hunter in it and I told Irene she reminded me of her.  I went to Wikipedia to make sure I was remembering it right. 

Here's the crazy part: the first movie Irene and I ever went out to see was about afterlife communication - Dreyfuss' character died and was trying to reconnect with and help those still alive.  In the Wikipedia plot synopsis, they quote three lines of dialogue in the movie. One of them was this, spoken by Dreyfuss' spirit guide after he died and was trying to communicate with his still living friends: "They hear you inside their own minds as if it were their thoughts."

That was about 28 years ago.  How synchronistic is it that the first movie we saw together was about communication, love and help from the afterlife, and that line of dialogue was included in the short synopsis by Wikipedia?
