Working Together

Night before last I had a very bizarre dream.  I woke up feeling great, but the dream was really weird.  I was joking with Irene about it, about how maybe I didn't really want to remember all my dreams, but just the good ones with her in it. Later, it was time to run into town to do some errands, and the thought ran through my mind that she hadn't done any musical signs or synchronicities lately, but it's not like I ever really give her the opportunity - I don't listen to much music and when I'm in the car I listen to news.

We were on our way to town and I turned on the radio to listen to some news, but the station had been changed, and the very first thing I heard, immediately on turning it on, was the word "dreamweaver".  The song was on and at the very end.  Very cool synchronistic sign.

Irene has been really good at giving me emotional rushes when she wants to prod me in a direction, or when she agrees with me about something. I can think of doing something and my heart will start racing and I'll feel her "hugging" me.  It's very comforting and exciting to really feel that element of us working together on this journey into our future.
