Learning How To Enter Other Dimensions

The other day Irene took control of my iPad while I was laying in bed looking over some things of interest. She opened up iBooks (took several times with me shutting it down before I realized it was her) and kept trying to open the book "The Phase", which is about a supposedly easy technique for astral projection.

She kept trying to open the book so I opened it myself, then she flipped through several pages and landed on one page that had a diagram of two overlapping two, one marked "REM Sleep" and the other "Consciousness", with the common area marked "The Phase", including lucid dreaming, astral projection, out of body experiences, etc. She enlarged the diagram to get my attention. During all this, I was holding the iPad up and away from me with my palms only touching the edge of the case.

She then flipped back and forth several times on a few pages, which I took to mean that she wanted me to read those pages in particular. I did so.

Blending that information with my current methodology for acquiring transdimensional experiences and interaction with her, I have completely rearranged my habits and lifestyle (fortunately being in a situation where I can do whatever I want). Included in this arrangement are five 10-20 minute periods spaced throughout the day of talking with Irene and focusing on my emotional connection to her.

Also, I have four or five NAP (Natural Astral Projection) periods that last up to an hour, the focus of which is to enter they hypnagogic state and explore various states of consciousness with the goal of being able to trigger, remember and better understand the process of changing my consciousness channel to other dimensions.

This is my 4th day of this new arrangement and I've made quite a bit of progress. Before, I couldn't remember hypnagogic scenarios when they played out. A soon as the were done, the memory of them and what they were related to disappeared, leaving me only the knowledge that it had occurred.

Now, I remember them all and I'm starting to understand (and retain that understanding) what they mean. I'm having flickers of astral sight. It used to take me about 10 minutes to get into a hypnagogic state and I'd usually fall asleep almost immediately; now, I'm in that state within a few seconds and I only fall asleep at the end of the day.

Almost immediately after shutting my eyes, I no longer feel the bed beneath me and I feel weightless. I feel like I'm in some sort of neutral space that has access to diverse conscousness channels. My intent is very specific - learning how to operate my consciousness channel-changer so I can visit Irene. I can literally feel myself becoming familiar with this process. Before, the hypnagogic images and scenarios seemed utterly random. More and more they are in line with my thoughts and intentions and I can see others helping me.

ALL of the above efforts are predicated on the idea that a fundamental ability we have is the natural ability to move transdimensionally via our conscious attention (and in fact do it all the time), but like any other natural skill (like physical movement), we have to actually train ourselves and exercise/learn in order to do that which is outside of our normal habits, current ability and comfort zone.


  1. Hi,
    I read your blogs and soo many times I was shocked to discover that you went through almost the same path/ stages or steps like I do. The unconditional love, ups and downs , trials, TV adverts, songs, Ipad... I don't have time to write for too long as I am at work but .... I am trying desperately lucid dreaming and this doesn't seem to work .... I tried astral projection but was scary so I decided to try lucid dreaming instead ... I read The Phase, Jurgen Ziewe etc etc.... and anything else I could find ... I also sometimes think that.... I am stuck I need help and somehow almost immediately I receive the information or the guidance.... This time it lead me to your post .... I am frustrated as I cannot astral project and I need you to please help by sharing if you can your schedule if you don't mind..... I am trying at the end of the day from around 12:00 to use hypnotic astral projection listening on my Ipad... works to an extend... Todd Acamessis I found helps me the most and a radio station I listen on youtube called "You don't die" where I listened to many interesting people the host is Sandra Champlaine .... in the dept of my desperation it was like a soothing balm..... then I put my ipad to wake me up from 4 in the morning every half an hour... didn't work.... every hour and a half to catch the REM phase... didn't work.... I will not give up! Something & someone lead me to you... so I hope you can help.....

    1. Hi! I don't have a set schedule. I lay down and engage in visualizations with Irene at various times during the day, usually 2-5 times a day. Synchronistically, just a few minutes ago I made a new blog post that specifically describes my process, if you want to read that.

      It is my experience (and I'm not suggesting it applies to or everyone else) that being in a state of "desperation" or "frustration" is counter-productive in any attempt at transdimensional exploration or afterlife interaction.

      I would assume things about your situation that you haven't spelled out here - that the desperation is being caused by grief because someone you love has crossed over, and that the person is your partner, but I don't like to make assumptions about the situations others are in. If you'd prefer to carry this discussion to messenger or email, my messenger name is William Murray and my identity icon is the same picture used on my book, Love After Life, which you can find on this blog. My email address is wjmurray@design249.com.

      Good luck and best wishes.


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