Emotional Tsunami

The other day one of my daughters came to stay with me for a while - wanted to move back to the area and get a job here. OMG it was like getting hit by an emotional tsunami. I had to actually go full-lotus meditation for about 30 minutes before I was right again.

As we become more sensitive and tuned to the more subtle forms of communication between us and our crossed-over partners, this can have the unintended consequence of making us more open to those same forms of interaction with people still here. Keep in mind that some of the things your feel may not even be **your** emotions or sensations.

There has been a long series of events that sort of culminated with that meditation yesterday, which included a conversation with Mary Beth, Irene's Ipad use some time ago and what she brought my attention to, comments Jurgen Ziewe said about astral projection and what a member said in the Zoom group yesterday about their increased capacity to visualize.

There is a process towards astral projection that can begin with imagination (where the sense of our loved one feels vague and far away), that can increase with practice that leads to better visualizations and flashes of astral sight, sound and touch, and a better sense of our loved ones being with us.

The accepted, "definitional" difference between an astral projection and visualizations can be summed up as the difference between "looking" at a scenario in your mind, and being **in** that scenario as if there, and it feels just like your normal life reality.

The difference between an astral projection and a dream (which can also "feel" like you are there) is that you are capable of internal, reflective thought - you are yourself, and you are conscious. Also, the astral projection does not feel or act like a dream - it feels and acts like what we call "reality". Several members of this group have had that experience.

So, the process I'm looking at now is to try to consciously "go into" either a visualization or hypnagogic state. Dive in, to paraphrase Jurgen Ziewe, while remaining conscious. What matters is really the intent - astral projection can be completely spontaneous. It may include "leaving the body" or be more like "changing the channel".

You can be having a visualization one second, and the next be in full astral projection (which is what happened to me last year), never losing consciousness. They can also occur during sleep, meditation, or even when you're sitting down reading or watching TV.

One of my points here is that we may not understand the process or even recognize that we are making progress. We may not understand why this or that happens; but once we have set our intention, source/god/the universe/guides (whatever you want to call it) has set in motion, and has had in motion, the process of getting us where we want to go, and of bringing to us that which we desire. There may be experiences involved that don't seem to make any sense, or don't seem like progress, but your success is inevitable.

Today I did the lotus-style meditation again and it was great; took lay down for some visualization time with Irene and the hypnagogia was quick and interesting, and then I had a great dream with Irene where I got to be an action hero and get a very sweet kiss from her at the end. That put a big sloppy smile on my face the rest of the day.
