A Slightly Different Perspective

I had a weird experience the past couple of days that coincided with a lot of information shared by members of the Love After Life group recently, and my own prior experiences, that has led me to adopt a slightly different paradigm about what I'm doing in working towards fuller transdimensional experiences and the goal of increased, full astral projection experiences with Irene. I'm consolidating it here in the case others find it helpful.

One of the common themes of many experiences here is that they just sort of unexpectedly happen - whether we feel good at the time or bad, whether we are trying or not at the time, etc. They seem to occur without our knowledge of how to trigger them and whether or not, at the time, we are even trying to trigger them.

My weird experience was this: my client called me and said that Firefox wasn't properly loading and displaying the company website I created via WIX (we transferred to WIX so that they can operate it and make changes easily when I eventually retire). I opened up the website with Firefox and it was a mess. It worked fine in every other browser, but no matter how he and I cleared our caches, reinstalled or ran a system clean-up and restarted, it wouldn't display the site correctly. (Bear with me here.)

So, I did some research on the Mozilla forums and found some similar issues with WIX and Firefox that had some pretty technical answers. A lot of work. So I did what I usually do - asked god/source/the universe to just take care of it and make it work or bring me the answer, and turned my attention to other things. My intent was to revisit it the next day - today. 

However, a few minutes later, for no reason, I got the urge to just type our website address into the Firefox address bar again. I did so, and the website popped up perfectly. It was crazy. I didn't tell my client because I was going to re-test it today, but I got an email from him that it was working fine this morning.

We literally did nothing and one minute it didn't work, and the next it did.

Talking with Irene this morning, she brought it to my attention that this was actually how we accomplished virtually everything in our life - not by "learning how" or "figuring it out", but just by **intending** and then stuff just happening, from fixing computers to finding and using new software to buying our house to countless other things. We intended, then at some point, "boom" it just happened.

Now, some of those things required us to go through a process, but that path, that process would just be laid out in front of us. My actual motto at the time was "Just don't get in the way or stop it because you don't think it will work." Consistently, my efforts to solve a thing, to make it work, only added my own frustration. I just had to trust that it would work out somehow; invariably, it would, usually in very surprising and weird ways. Information or intuition would just pop in my head. Materials that I needed or wanted would literally just appear.

It's not that the stuff I do in that process of attaining astral projection experiences with Irene aren't valuable and productive; they are. Imagining, visualizing, meditation (and for others - EVP, mediums, chakra work, meditation videos with different techniques, etc.) can all be parts of our unique processes laid out in front of us, often corresponding to paths we were already on before our partners crossed over. My own methods were invaluable in moving past grief, feeling more comfortable and happy, and reconditioning my subconscous into the acceptance of Irene's presence and activity. Irene and I had decades of using these techniques to work past all sorts of subconscious personal issues that were limitations to enjoying our lives together, and they were well worth learning and doing. 

That is really how I am now seeing these various process activities. They are not methods of making something I wanted happen, but are really the processes of making myself ready to allow something to happen. Getting my own frustrations, fears, doubts, and disbelief out of my way so that I can, as Abraham would say, allow my intentions to become fully manifest in my experience. 

So, my advice to myself and to others it may resonate with: do the practices and employ the methods you resonate with and which you enjoy, and which make you feel better. Accept that experiences will just happen at any time for no apparent rhyme or reason, and the knowledge or capacity to do so regularly and willfully can simply occur to you, or you can just wake one day being able to do it. You do not have to "figure it out" and you do not have to try to make it happen or control it. 

I see my job here as twofold: (1) to feel as good as possible using whatever techniques and methods I enjoy, holding on to the intention of what I desire; and (2) release my frustrations and control-freak limitations about the process and how and when results will manifest and leave that to god/source/the universe. 

If I find myself in a dream or astral projection, I'm not going to worry about controlling or manipulating it for my desired end; if I am able to do so naturally, fine. If not, fine. I'll let source provide me with whatever skills or knowledge or memory or desire I need at the time. It's not my problem to solve.
