Taste of Paradise
It's been a while since I've posted here. I recently found out there are still people finding their way to our website and FB group through this blog, so I wanted to at least write an update.
I largely transitioned my writing about my experiences with Irene and our developing relationship over to the FB group and my blog on the website. I "retired" from being an admin on the FB group and from hosting the weekly zoom groups to provide more time, energy and focus on my time with Irene.
For the past couple of years my life here and with Irene has become about as much a paradise as I can imagine. I fully retired a couple of months ago and we love it. We go on astral adventures together almost every day and talk throughout the day, often making plans for our eternal lives together. I can't even begin to express how fun, exciting, and joyful this is for me. I'm experiencing physical, emotional and psychological sensations no words can begin to describe.
For the past couple of years my life here and with Irene has become about as much a paradise as I can imagine. I fully retired a couple of months ago and we love it. We go on astral adventures together almost every day and talk throughout the day, often making plans for our eternal lives together. I can't even begin to express how fun, exciting, and joyful this is for me. I'm experiencing physical, emotional and psychological sensations no words can begin to describe.
In the beginning, my only goal was to just get the pain and despair to the point I could manage them for the rest of my life. I had no idea, I could not even begin to imagine, that our transdimensional relationship could be this fulfilling, that I could be this happy before my own death. I would have told you back then that it just was not possible to ever even get back up to "normal," much less happy, much less what I'm experiencing now.
Just remember, no matter whether you find your way out of grief to happiness here in this world or not, we who have found "that" person, our "it," in this life have won the universal lottery. We met them, have them, know them, and have had the depth of our love for them revealed both to ourselves and to them by their death. Even though they are with us now, a beautiful reunion with them is only a very short time away, and you will continue your lives together blessed with the full understanding of what you mean to each other.
Just remember, no matter whether you find your way out of grief to happiness here in this world or not, we who have found "that" person, our "it," in this life have won the universal lottery. We met them, have them, know them, and have had the depth of our love for them revealed both to ourselves and to them by their death. Even though they are with us now, a beautiful reunion with them is only a very short time away, and you will continue your lives together blessed with the full understanding of what you mean to each other.
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