Friday, July 21, 2017 The Importance of Intention
It's been a really busy day. I had to drive back into town to get some errands done. That and the unrelenting heat outside have frayed my attention and willpower today. I did my morning sessions and an afternoon astral projection session lying down where I took an antihistamine and it was good.
I keep feeling like there's an electric body I'm trying to "give birth" to, like I'm trying to get out of my physical body. It's a pleasant but weird feeling.
I posted a new message in the Afterlife group where I referenced something I wrote on another blog last year - I'm going to quote here the relevant part:
Each of us experience ourselves as a seat of consciousness with direct, top-down, intentional, prescriptive control (to varying degrees) over the behaviors of many elements of our bodies and thinking processes. We don’t know how to make various cellular or chemical reactions occur that are necessary for motion and thought. Somehow, without any technical or mechanical knowledge at all, with no understanding of how to initiate or control any of the various chemical and mechanical resources, simple intention can operate what is probably the most highly advanced and complex piece of equipment in the universe with amazing precision. Like a ghost inhabiting a doll out of a movie, our will alone can set physical forces in motion, control them, and stop them on command – no physics, chemistry or mechanical knowledge required whatsoever. It is precisely like magic.
Furthermore, our will can instantly access any of virtually countless memories without any understanding whatsoever of how the memory process works or how the data retrieval process works. We can simply intend to write or say something on a subject and gain immediate access to a seemingly never-ending stream of information corresponding to our intent. We can imagine things that do not even exist in the real world, our minds effortlessly rendering a massive virtual reality for us to experience as we daydream or sleep-dream. We cannot see this agency; we cannot explain how it can immediately differentiate from innumerable, variant intents to magically set billions of cellular processes and chemical interactions on a precise course to find memories, find or generate thoughtful, relevant information, or direct our body to precisely achieve a limitless variance of actions.
We experience this self-will as transcending mere physical causation from a higher order of existence, being able to direct the matter and energy of our bodies at will. We have power over our physical and mental nature exactly like a supernatural ghost in a machine, capable of the most wondrous and amazing feats of physical complexity, creativity and computation without any understanding of how any of it is physically initiated, maintained or controlled.
I've read where in the Astral Plane/Summerland, transportation can be done by thought - focus on a place or a person and in an instant you are there. So, I've incorporated this into my thought that I don't have to know how to astral project in the same way that I don't have to know what my physical body is or how I make it do what I want; it all works from intention - even your physical body is commanded by intention. You don't have to teach a baby about muscles and nerves or how to make cells convert food into energy. Intention is all it takes.
It may take a while and require a lot of learning that comes from trial and effort and failures, but that's how we learn any new skill.
I was able to throw more stuff out today without it getting to me. I'm turning one of the rooms into a "grandkids" room where they can watch TV, play games, play with toys, etc. Later Robert & Shanna came by for a visit and to put up my new TV for the living room, and they stayed until 10pm, and it was all good. No emotional letdown or sadness after they left.
I was able to throw more stuff out today without it getting to me. I'm turning one of the rooms into a "grandkids" room where they can watch TV, play games, play with toys, etc. Later Robert & Shanna came by for a visit and to put up my new TV for the living room, and they stayed until 10pm, and it was all good. No emotional letdown or sadness after they left.
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