Using Hypnagogic States as Bridging Dimensions For Afterlife Interaction

First-Person Experiential Research: Using Hypnagogic States as Bridging Dimensions For Afterlife Interaction

For the record, I have a theory of mind and multidimensional existence that I use as the foundation of my personal experimentation. It's "scientific" in the sense that my experimentation is designed along the lines of "If my concept of of mind works, then I should be able to do X and see positive, corresponding results."

I've been doing hypnagogic state exploration to be with Irene for many months (if not over a year now), and that process (which begins with the prayer, intention and visualization) is what delivered the unexpected full astral projection visitation I had with her. That experience is what motivated me to pursue this particular line of investigation.

However, those semi-conscious hypnagogic visualizations prior to the astral projection, and up until recently, seemed to be utterly random and never included Irene, and if I pulled out of them I always forgot all the specifics. It was like flipping through cable channels. I would come away with the sense that they were about something I had thought about while conscious before slipping into them, but I couldn't remember what.

In my theory of mind, hypnagogic experiences are not random dream scenarios generated by the brain or mind; they are actual things occurring that I'm viewing, and in my theory, they there should be a reason - a cause - for whatever it is I view in that state.

So, over time and continued practice, I started being more consciously aware in the hypnagogic experiences, and started remembering them more and more. I've figured out that while I'm talking with Irene or doing something with her in our visualization, a thought or sensation would trigger a hypnagogic experience. For example, if we are on the beach and a bird flies over, my attention might go to the bird and suddenly a scenario with random people might start up with a person wearing a shirt with that bird on it.

Or, if Irene and I are playing frisbee on the beach and it goes off target into the jungle, and I have a split-second sense that it might be lost, a scenario might spring up with seemingly random people who are lost on some street in a city. The tiniest thoughts and emotions can trigger a whole scenario corresponding, in some way, to that one impulse. My interpretation is that, for some reason, those momentary thoughts or sensation "change channel" and put me in contact with a real scenario playing out somewhere in the infinite dimensions that corresponds - like speaking into my TV remote and it automatically finding the channel or service that is playing football or is playing a Michael Caine movie.

Being able to stay more aware, I've been able to track what these hypnagogic scenarios spring from. My theory was that if I could keep my thoughts on Irene and us being together, I could tune in to those scenarios and stay conscious while doing so, which in my view of mind is the process of finding our "bridge" dimension. It's just a matter of tuning in and empowering it, stabilizing it for us, so to speak.

The past couple of weeks Irene has been showing up in those hypnagogic scenarios. Just a few seconds, but I am aware it's her and I remember them. In the past couple of weeks, there have been four, and they are very interesting (at least to me and my experimentation).

In the first, I saw Irene's arm and hand grab my boots by the bed and shake them, and heard her say "Can you see me shaking your boots?" This seemed like a test of a bridge dimension for sound and visual clarity. Of course I report all my experiences to Irene and whomever else is helping us with this for the purpose of fine-tuning our experiential bridge dimension.

In the second hypnagogic experience with Irene, she was picking an item up off the counter, I was watching her, and someone out of sight was telling her how to use it. I had the sense that this was also about our "bridge" construction. In the third, we were both attending a seminar in a conference like room and learning something. As we were finding our seats Irene had her eyes on me - she knew it was "this" me that was there just then.

The 4th experience, it wasn't exactly hypnagogic. Some of it seemed like visualization, some seemed like an astral projection. I was first person, more or less fully aware but the scenario lasted a long time and flowed from my deliberate visualization without going off on a tangent. Music was playing that I was experiencing as completely real - our first "our song" from back when we first met. It was like being in a part of the movie where there was no dialogue, just the music pleasantly loud, rich and full coming from all the theater speakers.

This made me realize that if the research is successful, the targeted bridge dimension will not feel like, nor be experienced as, a hypnagogic scenario. It also may not feel like an astral projection or anything else I've already experienced, considering it is set up as a "bridging" dimensional experience.

Work we are doing in our Love After Life FB group to create a community astral or bridge experience - our astral cruise liner - seem to be helping, and I've been using that as the root of our visualizations to piggy-back off of the group energy investment.

So, it seems to be working. What I'm ultimately hoping to accomplish is full, regular, completely aware conscious and physical interaction with Irene in a bridge dimension experience.


  1. To me these experiences speak to the reality of the astral level as being the cause and the physical level as being an effect from that cause. Her hands shaking your boots.she picked up the item and the voice instructing her how to use it, she had her eyes on you. The way we live channels this energy for good or ill. I really dont know. Good stuff


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