Consciousness Weirdness

I got some more validations while reading Understanding Life After Death about things I've already thought. One was so interesting - the third party view.  It was also interesting because my sister had just sent me an email asking me to clarify what I meant by "third person view" in this blog.

I used to try to coerce my "envisioned" viewpoint into a first-person view but then decided I'd just allow myself that third-person view without judging it as less realistic or inferior to having a first-person view in such scenarios.  In that book the author shares some insight he gathered from the Leslie Flint recordings and an almost throwaway bit of information was that we could move our attention around in a "third party" way, meaning we didn't need mirrors to see ourselves and didn't need to go outside to see the flowers or the sunset if we didn't want to.  We could just move our observational attention around, meaning I could view Irene and I from a third party perspective.

I had this experience this morning while meditation that being able to do this - observing from a third party view - I was also able to interact with Irene from that third-party perspective - she knew where my observational perspective was. The weird thing was that I was simultaneously experiencing both both of my perspectives in different ways.  I could feel her next to me as we sat on a poolside lounge and I could see us from a few feet away at the same time.

More strangely than that, I felt like I could also experience our interaction from her perspective at the same time while simultaneously holding the other two perspectives!   I found it to be very intimate and familiar.  It got me to wondering about so-called "life reviews", where it is said that you experience what others experienced due to your actions - the experiences you caused them to have, good and bad.

That seems like that should come off a little intrusive.  I mean, do you want other people who have died to know what kind of experience they caused you to have?  Do we have a say in the matter?  Are my experiences not my private intellectual property, so to speak? I can understand sharing your point-of-view experiences with others as a matter of choice, but not having such a choice seems like it would be rude.

Even stranger, perhaps, is that it doesn't really even bother me. I don't really care if other people can experience what I'm experiencing or have experienced in the past, or even if there are astral beings or observational loci (points of attention) floating around watching me at any particular time.

(Important Note: Blog entries from April 11, 2071 to September 16, 2017 chronicle my journey after the death of my wife, Irene, forward through the intense pain and sorrow of losing my soul mate to defeating grief and regaining our happy, loving relationship. September 16 marks the beginning of the second phase of our journey - chronicling our continued effort to increase our connection across the veil and also to share this journey with others.)
