The Importance of Writing It Down

Yesterday I think the atmosphere and temp made for a kind of "bleah" day, which is still SO MUCH BETTER than other days I've had.  I've always said that a boring day is a good day!  Still, I managed to get everything on my daily checklist done even though I felt totally lethargic and mentally unmotivated: prayer, meditation, yoga, exercise.  The only think I didn't do was get the finished, edited book posted up, and that was the one thing I just did not want to do yesterday.

I've been adding links to blog posts to different sections of the book to give some understanding of what I'm talking about in those sections, and to provide the context of what I was actually going through at the time.  In doing so, I've found something that is very pertinent to the section in the book called "Write It Down".  Actually, I've found this out again: I forget things that have happened, even important things like confirmations.

Here lately I've been questioning what the sensation is which I get whenever I meditate.  I know at some point I came to believe it was our frequency; what I had totally forgotten was that I had asked for a validation if that was what it was and got a great validation very quickly.  As I was going through my prior blog posts to link to from my book, I ran across that very post.  There were several other really important occurrences that I ran across that I had totally forgotten about.

This is why it is so important to keep a journal or a blog.  The onslaught of the physical world and it's constant vibration can make you think and feel things that subvert our connection, our confidence, our will, our new vibration and one of the ways it does this is by masking memories. It's not a malicious thing, it's just the nature of vibrations.  They tune us in on all levels to that frequency, and being here in the physical naturally tunes us in to it.  Reading over what you've accomplished and the things that have happened to get you where you are can help re-tune you back into your desired frequency.

Yesterday - the "bleah" day, I was having doubts about moving forward with the book and my effort here to try to bring some relief to people suffering from grief.  I was really wondering if it was something I was doing just for my own ego, or to feed my "white knight" syndrome, and thinking I might just be distracting myself from my goal of better connection with Irene.  I told my spirit team that if they wanted me to go forward with it, let me know, because I was really feeling "iffy" about the whole thing.

So today there was an AREI zoom meeting, and in it Wendy brought up and offered to let me host a group for those who lost a spouse or other loved one and were trying to deal with the grief.  I didn't  say anything about it, she just brought it up.  It immediately had a resonance with me that it was confirmation to go forward down this path.
