Understanding Affirmations & Intentions

I recently had a good conversation with someone in an AREI Zoom Room video conference where they expressed their concern with affirmations in general, describing it as a "fake it until you make it" process that they couldn't get behind.  If that is how one sees affirmations and intentions, I agree it isn't a good thing to do because one feels like they are lying to themselves.  That's never a good foundation for anything.

There is a different way of looking at affirmations and intentions, though, that might lay a better foundation and resonate more positively with some of us seeking to regain a fulfilling, joyful relationship with someone who has crossed over.  As readers here may know, I think of affirmations and intentions as words, thoughts, feelings and mental imagery that tunes me into the frequency of experience I wish to acquire.  In other words, I don't see such tools as "faking it until I make it" or as lying to myself, because I don't try to fake positive feelings or "act" like I am interacting with Irene.  I'm not trying to fool myself into a delusional state.

Here is an example of an affirmation I say and think every day:

"We feel whole and complete with our connection, happy and joyful, motivated and enthusiastic. We see, hear, and feel each other with perfect clarity.  We can easily visit each other physically, in dreams and in the astral areas."

An example of my visualization intentions would be picturing Irene and I together in an afterlife scenario that makes me feel happy, or remembering a dream or an experience of ours together in this life that makes me joyful.

I never lied to myself; if I felt like crap emotionally, I accepted that feeling, but I used (and am using) these symbolic representations (words) and feelings to purposefully tune my vibration in to the frequency where those qualities of my experience would be actual.  The mind is a very powerful, creative tool and, as afterlife information tells us, where the focus of our mind directs us has a dramatic effect on our actual experience.

Mediums and channelers tune in to frequencies. People that come back from NDEs are often dramatically changed, their physical vibration altered, often resulting in being healed from prior injuries and ailments.  Many people swear by the power of focusing one's intentions and the power of a positive internal narrative instead of a negative one even in this physical world - something I can personally attest to.

So, instead of thinking of these phrases and imaginings in terms of lying to yourself, or "faking" it, it may resonate and be more effective to think of it as tuning in to experiences which you desire.  In my own case I can definitely testify that wonderful changes of perspective, experience and emotional states can be acquired, and I believe that affirmations and intentions can help immensely - as long as one can find a positive way of looking at that process.  A negative perspective about the process will probably undermine it and chances of success.
