When Worlds Begin To Merge

The other day when Irene and I were talking I realized I hadn't sent  her a card on the anniversary of the day we met - January 9th - and told her I was going to send her one and jokingly asked "Why don't you send me one, too?"  Immediately an emotional understanding came across me; the radiant flower she had been drawing in her coffee cup since the day after she crossed over was in fact her giving me a card that said "I love you and I'm with you always!" every single day. 

Someone in one of the afterlife groups made the comment that what we were doing on Earth was raising our vibration to move our universe closer to the astral to make it more like the astral.  For whatever reason that stuck in my mind and I started wondering what that would look from our point of view.  As regular readers know, I don't think we actually change the world per se, but rather just move vibrationally from one version of Earth to others, so to speak.  Or, another way to look at it is that as our vibration changes, we begin tuning into different perceptual and interpretive Earth frequencies.

So, I wondered what would I expect to experience if I was raising my vibrational state to be more in tune with the astral.  Certainly I would meet more people tuned into the same thing.  Perhaps I would notice  there would be an increase in people experiencing or being medicated for hearing voices and having "delusions" and "hallucinations."  I wondered if I would actually start noticing the world around me behaving in a more astral-like fashion. In other words, being more responsive to thought, intent, emotions, affirmations, etc.

Then it struck me that this was exactly what I have been noticing of late; a dramatic increase in synchronistic experiences, where I am thinking of a thing and a manifestation or a representation of that thing almost immediately appears in my experience.  I can have a question on my mind and literally the exact question is answered explicitly by some external world source, completely validating my own intuition on the matter.  Lately, in my job, the things I want to come to pass occur easily. No sooner have I finished having some coffee with Irene on the porch, talking about some afterlife subject, when I log in to an afterlife Facebook group and find that very thing the subject of a topic posted almost at the same time we were having the conversation.

I thought about how people who go farther than this must look like they are mad to others and a show I was watching suddenly had a storyline in it about a guy who was experiencing a waking "alternate reality" and looked crazed to others around him.  I wondered what was possible and a Pinterest pin appeared with the statement that source stood ready to provide us with what we want in ways we can are not willing to accept and would not understand - exactly mirroring a statement I made in the AREI Facebook group on the subject of reality.  I see reflections and manifestations of my thoughts emotions and intuitions everywhere- which is pretty good description of the kind of experiential relationship we supposedly have with the astral "external" reality.

One of the things I wonder about now is if my "death" is even an experience I will have at some point, or if I will just gradually find myself existing in what we refer to as the astral.
