A Synchronistic String of Events

Some time ago I wrote about my letting go of particular ideas about what Irene and I fully reuniting would look like - meaning, I might not even experience my own death.  It could be that I just walk into a room and there she is, or I go to sleep and wake up completely in some astral world with her.

Shortly after I wrote that, Cyrus Kirkpatrick put a link in the Facebook Group Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics to an article he wrote about an event that many mediums were getting information about where some kind of energy field our solar system was going to shortly pass through would "raise our vibration" and put us on a "new Earth" - or several, depending on our individual states of vibration.  He said it was possible that our dimension might "merge" with some astral dimensions as a result of this energy.  He was pretty skeptical of it.

That rather neatly dovetailed with my view that I could just find Irene and myself suddenly occupying the same physical experience.  Not that I am getting my hopes up, but it would be pretty cool and I think it is something I could easily incorporate into my experience should it occur.

Then Irene started putting the TV on her favorite shows while I slept.  These are specific shows on channels I never watch anymore. Each time it occurs I acknowledge it and thank her (it does really make me feel happy).  After the second time, I used my Roku to watch Netflix because I remembered there was a new movie on there I wanted to watch called The Cloverfield Paradox.  

Spoiler alert! (The Cloverfield Paradox on Netflix)

Without giving too much about it away here, the movie was had in it an energy that caused different dimensions to merge, causing one person to just appear in a different dimension around people who she knew in her home dimension but who didn't know her in the current one.  In other words, someone just appearing from another dimension.

I thought that was another really interesting synchronicity. The next day, I got up and Irene had once again put the TV on her favorite show.  We had a good laugh.  Later, I was going to watch the news and the Hopper (I have DishTV) would not work. I couldn't watch any programming nor could I access the recordings I had.  I reset it a  couple of times and it wouldn't work. 

Spoiler alert! (Electric Dreams on Amazon Prime)

So, I decided to watch something with the Roku again until I could have someone come out and fix the Hopper.  For whatever reason, I went to Amazon and started watching the new series there, Electric Dreams.  It was another dual-reality story, where this person can't tell which world is real and which world is a simulation.  In one world that person's wife was dead; in the other the person's wife was very much alive.  At the end, the person chose the reality where the wife was dead because the person felt undeserving of the great life they had in the other reality, and assumed the one where heartbreak, pain, grief and guilt existed must be the "real" reality.  The other one was "too good to be true."

That was last night.  This morning I got up and the Hopper still wouldn't work so I called up the Dish help line.  She asked me to press select (which I'd already done 10 times that morning) and boom ... everything was working fine.  I asked her what she did, and she said "nothing".

So, what does all of that mean? I'm definitely on the right track in my thinking and what I'm doing to allow our connection to grow and become physically manifest however it happens. I don't have to predefine it in terms of death, astral planes, vibrational level, OOBE, etc.  Also, I'm definitely choosing and visualizing the "too good to be true" version! 
