Heightened Clarity

Yesterday, in a great mood after a nice nap, I felt like meditating.  As soon as I started I felt totally buzzed and high, yet this meditation was subtly different than most.  I was at a place, a sensation of feeling free somehow, like I was no longer sitting cross-legged on my couch.  It felt like I was in a vibrational pattern, my body and mind tuned in to it, and I was exploring that vibration.  There were nuances of experience in that vibrational range that I could explore in the sense of feeling slight changes in my perception of it and of myself in it.  

I felt absolutely no desire or need to stop meditating, which usually occurs at the 10-20 minute mark. I was thoroughly enjoying this, but more, it felt like I was actually doing something really interesting - like it was a place I could explore, investigating all the nuances of that frequency range and how they affected me.  A couple of times I saw things clearly appear for a second, accompanied by a very subtle sensation, like I had run across a particular, very subtle "how-to" connection. 

If it hadn't been for the phone ringing, I don't know how long I would have continued to meditate. A glance at the clock revealed that I had been doing it for forty minutes! Honestly, I had zero desire to stop meditating when the phone rang - I found what I was exploring completely fascinating.

A while later, in the early evening, I was sitting on the porch and noticed I had heightened clarity of thought, which is especially significant since my mental clarity wanes quite quickly as evening approaches. I also felt different physically, like I was vibrating at a different frequency.
