Expansion of Creative Potential

I’ve noticed a shift in the focus of my meditations and conversations with Irene, and I now realize they’ve been advancing a certain way.  In the beginning it was more of a desperate need on my part - needing to “find her”, get to her, experience her).  As that need was met, it became more about creating an emotional atmosphere of confidence, wholeness and trust – an emotional stability and satisfaction – by being with her experientially.  From that solid base, we are now about co-creating our experience to be the best, most wonderful possible.  Strange how that completely reflects our physical lives here, only compressed into a much shorter period of time. 

As she and I have explored more of what “creating our experiential reality” in an unlimited manner means, it’s become very interesting to explore and get past limitations of thought/imagination that exist due to 59 years of physical experience here. For example,  for a long time I could not imagine the top of our home in the astral because of unexamined habits of thought about what was “reasonable” to shoot for, with maybe some hints of “spiritual humility” also limiting my desires, or a resistance of what would be “too good to be true”.  Once I got past that, the high, beautiful castle sprang immediately into view in my visualizations with Irene. 

Another limitation I found was trying to organize our home “functionally” – thinking about what kind of rooms we’d want and what purpose they would serve, as well as a “layout” of how it would all fit together.  That’s when Irene gave me the visualization of her “secret room” portal – but still, I kept organizing that into the framework of what function those rooms would serve, when it hit me – the only “function” any room (or anything, really) would necessarily serve would be to delight us when we experienced those rooms (or vistas, or foods, or creatures on our island and in the ocean waters, etc.)  If we felt like walking through a towering cathedral like the Sagrada Familia, or sitting in it drinking our coffee and chatting, or just soaking up the atmosphere, why not?  If we felt like using our character generator interface to create native American versions of ourselves to wander around in some vast landscape exploring the plant and animal life, why not? Irene was big on native American stuff and I know she’d love to go pet some buffalo and ride horses.  Our “delight” at experiencing such things is “function” enough – indeed, it’s perhaps one of the greatest functions of all. 

Something else I’ve realized is that I’ve never had the opportunity to experience a perfectly healthy, happy, youthfully energized, carefree Irene, free of all material/social burdens. Also, my experience of “us” in this life was also always “burdened” one way or another – my own emotional/psychological baggage, having to work either at exhausting or mind-draining jobs, worries about money, about the children, taking care of my mom, etc.  The only time we actually lived together alone for any duration of time was after she had become ill.  Now, that’s not to say that we didn’t flourish – we did. We had a wonderful, beautiful life, better than anything I had ever dreamt of, but being able to explore who Irene is, and what our relationship is, without all of that baggage is incredible. We’ve just recently started exploring/rediscovering what it’s like to be youthfully energetic, strong, carefree and playful without worries or responsibilities.  After our time here, that’s entirely new and wonderful for us to experience.

So we went from gaining and nurturing our contact, to re-establishing a solid emotional foundation, and now we’re back to actively creating our lives together, but with a much more free and unlimited canvas than we ever could have imagined while we were both here.  Having her on the “other side” is dramatically fostering an exploration of creative potential that wouldn’t have been possible, I don’t think, with both of us here.  It seems that another part of this plan was to put us in a situation that would provide a context for, and encourage, an expansion of our creative potential.
