Practicing Transdimensional Sight

I'm developing what is to me a very interesting and exciting perspective and routine concerning meditation, visualization, naps, and going to sleep at night.  It involves seeing these things as natural methods of transdimensional experience exploration, examining states of consciousness and sensations of experience via directed thought and imagery and hypnagogic states.  

Today before lying down to do some transdimensional experience exploration (take a nap), I asked for some encouragement for this experimentation and got some.  (I also asked for help from anyone that could give it to me that was on my Spirit Team instead of just asking Irene, so that may be relevant going forward.) I didn't fall asleep during the 30 minutes I was lying down, but I did experience various states of consciousness and imagery. Of course, my directed imagery involved Irene, since that always produces my highest enjoyment.

I had two distinct occurrences of what I call "Persistent Transdimensional Sight" (or "PTS", instead of "astral sight").  Previously - Friday, I think - I had another one that set me on this direction.  On Friday, while laying down, I had a first-person PTS view of looking at my hands while sitting on an orange couch, a brighter orange than the one we have in the living room. All I saw was my hand, a square object in my hand, the part of the couch I was sitting on and the floor.  Today, my first PTS was about the same perspective, only one of my dogs, Pico, was to the left on the floor and there wasn't anything in my hands.  The last PTS came after I directed my visualization to being out on our castle terrace in the afterlife and looking at the ocean, the scene changed on its own to looking out over a vast expanse of water more like a big lake with snow-capped mountains on the other side.

There is a distinct sensory difference between the PTS and other imagery I experienced.  The directed imagery I knew to be directed; the hypnagogic imagery (or regular Transdimensional Sight) that came and went on its own felt vague and felt more "in my head," and was very difficult to remember with specificity, even immediately after it occurred.  The PTS imagery, though, felt and looked like I was looking at something in full consciousness with my actual eyes, even though my eyes were shut, and the imagery was not difficult to remember at all.  I had a couple of those experiences a few months back.

Each time the more recent experiences of PTS lasted only a couple of seconds, even though I tried to focus on what I was seeing in an attempt to maintain it.  I was very excited when, after asking for encouragement, I got two PTS experiences while lying down for 30 minutes.  The two that occurred months ago lasted for a long time and I was able to focus on them.

Entering into these states is really fun and gives me very weirdly familiar sensations, like I'm uncovering some kind of skill and re-familiarizing myself with it.  It reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd have dreams where I'd learn how to do something - like fly or slow down time - and try to bring that knowledge back with me when I woke up.  
