Achieving Normalcy
This past week I've been experiencing something I refer to as a normal transdimensional relationship with Irene - well, normal as it pertains to a romantic soul-mate relationship. That's why a week has passed without my blogging about anything - it just seems like our normal life now. It feels to me like I would just be blogging about my normal, everyday life. It feels like there's nothing noteworthy or remarkable about it to commit to this blog.
Emotionally, I'm completely good - happy, feeling whole and complete with Irene, enthusiastic about our lives together, waking up and going to bed with a big smile on my face. Intellectually, I am completely satisfied with what I know and believe about what we call the afterlife. We are totally back in our own happy little world but with a much broader, better, more specifically eternal outlook and the opportunities that provides.
Last night as I lay in bed, I was mentally holding Irene in my arms and talking with her about it - about how this sense of normalcy in our transdimensional relationship in itself is actually an accomplishment I shouldn't take for granted, but rather keep it in perspective with what we went through to get us to this point. I feel whole and complete with her; I'm happy, feel zero loneliness because she is always with me, and we have a great time just being us. Sometimes we do some planning for our future, sometimes we just talk about the kids, sometimes we go on little visualized adventures, or we just wrap ourselves up with each other and watch TV. In addition to talking with me, she sends me her signs and messages in the form of synchronicities or emotional hugs to provide me with ongoing support and reassurance.
I also can work for several hours and focus on the work and not feel a twinge of guilt or panic about not having thought of her for that time. I'm well past worrying about "moving on" or distance growing between us. That's not going to happen. We are truly "settled in" to our transdimensional relationship experience. The fact that it feels utterly "normal" now is, when I stop to think about it, almost unbelievable. It is not something I would have ever thought possible when we began this particular leg of our journey.
I also can work for several hours and focus on the work and not feel a twinge of guilt or panic about not having thought of her for that time. I'm well past worrying about "moving on" or distance growing between us. That's not going to happen. We are truly "settled in" to our transdimensional relationship experience. The fact that it feels utterly "normal" now is, when I stop to think about it, almost unbelievable. It is not something I would have ever thought possible when we began this particular leg of our journey.
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