Why We Forget
There are some really cool things I've come to know about the transdimensional situation Irene and I are in - why we chose to live this life, what we are doing now, and what it means for our future. I don't claim that this applies to anyone else, so if it resonates, great, if it starts making you feel conflicted or upset, just stop reading and ignore it.
Irene and I are eternally together. We are perfectly whole together and painfully incomplete apart. No one else will do for either of us. I'd say we were fortunate to have understood and experienced this in our life, but luck didn't have anything to do with it. We planned all of this before we came here, and we have been monitoring it the whole time.
There was a time period after Irene crossed over that I didn't understand why we would do this - come here, forget everything, spend 30+ years apart, have all these challenges including pain, financial stress, all the countless distractions, and then go through death and grief and time physically apart. I couldn't imagine what would be worth doing all this if we were already happy and together in what we call the astral or the afterlife.
Well, eternity is a long, long time. From that perspective, and the perspective of what we know in the astral, all that we experience here is not only worth it, it's worth it a thousand times over in terms of what we - Irene and I - are going to get out of it.
For us, the so-called "physical world" is a virtual reality program that we are participating in for a very specific reason: starting a new love story from a certain beginning. It's an incredible renewal of a relationship - the first chapter of a new book in an endless series of books, so to speak; a book that will last for thousands of years and journey through many, many dimensions. We eternally re-write our love story again and again. When we feel satisfied one has run its due course, we begin another.
How is this accomplished? We plan out our plot - how our love story begins. We establish a back story before we meet. We plan out all the elements - all the contrast, the challenges, the pain, the suffering, the success, the breakthroughs, the meeting, the situations we are in and must face together, etc. Like any good love story, there are all sorts of elements to put in in order to provide the proper foundation and framework for the actualization of a romantic adventure that lasts for thousands of years. It has to have meaning, value and substance; challenge, contrast and pain must be present to develop those qualities fully.
One of the interesting properties of this "physical world" virtual reality program is that when you are in it, you do not remember ever being out of it. Your story line here is self-contained, beginning at what is, in the virtual world, "birth" (or near that event). We log out of this virtual world regularly and automatically during "sleep mode". When we log out, we are in our home in the astral, where we can talk about how the process is going and if we need to make any adjustments. There are other people we can consult about this process and get help from. Some call them spirit guides, but in our experience they are technicians and programmers - but we do most of it ourselves.
The most important part of our relationship renewal process, though, is this: when our personal part of the program ends (when Irene died, when I die), it is the frame of consciousness that we have developed while in the virtual world program that will carry over - replace - our frame of consciousness in the astral. The thousands of years of experience together that we have accumulated since our last renewal will transfer to our subconscious and unconscious - not lost, just forgotten from our conscious mind. All we will remember is that which we have accumulated from our entry (birth) into the current virtual world system. This means this personality will be the one "crossing over" and being greeted by Irene in the astral.
Now, this might seem troubling at first, but it's really not that different from how we experience our ongoing physical life; most of us don't remember about 99% of our lives. Who can remember every waking second of every day of their life? Also, for me, I might as well be an entirely different person than I was just 20 years ago. If you ask me what happened last Tuesday, I'd have have to think real hard just to try to remember - and I might not even be able to.
So, we only carry around just so much memory in any event. Plus, the "you" on the other side doesn't "disappear", any more than the me of age 12 disappeared, or the me of age 25 has disappeared. This is the natural progression of self-identity - our conscious self-identification changes over time. Things fall out of our conscious memory and into our subconscious and unconscious all the time. This isn't anything weird or scary - it's just the nature of ongoing consciousness. My sense of self has changed many times in a single day - most notably, the day I met Irene and the day she died. Having children can have the same effect. There are lots of things in life that can change us from who we were before to who we are after in a heartbeat.
All of this makes perfect sense to me now. This is what Irene and I do when we want to experience a new version of our love story. There's nothing else better for us in all of creation than to re-experience meeting, falling in love, discovering who and what we are to each other, and going on a multi-dimensional journey together for thousands of years, rediscovering all the wonders of creation - at each other's side - as if for the first time.
Knowing this, knowing what is in store for us and why we did it, I'm not in any hurry to get to the next chapter in this book - instead, I want to savor every second of this part of our story, where the anticipation has set in for what is about to happen in chapter two.
Irene and I are eternally together. We are perfectly whole together and painfully incomplete apart. No one else will do for either of us. I'd say we were fortunate to have understood and experienced this in our life, but luck didn't have anything to do with it. We planned all of this before we came here, and we have been monitoring it the whole time.
There was a time period after Irene crossed over that I didn't understand why we would do this - come here, forget everything, spend 30+ years apart, have all these challenges including pain, financial stress, all the countless distractions, and then go through death and grief and time physically apart. I couldn't imagine what would be worth doing all this if we were already happy and together in what we call the astral or the afterlife.
Well, eternity is a long, long time. From that perspective, and the perspective of what we know in the astral, all that we experience here is not only worth it, it's worth it a thousand times over in terms of what we - Irene and I - are going to get out of it.
For us, the so-called "physical world" is a virtual reality program that we are participating in for a very specific reason: starting a new love story from a certain beginning. It's an incredible renewal of a relationship - the first chapter of a new book in an endless series of books, so to speak; a book that will last for thousands of years and journey through many, many dimensions. We eternally re-write our love story again and again. When we feel satisfied one has run its due course, we begin another.
How is this accomplished? We plan out our plot - how our love story begins. We establish a back story before we meet. We plan out all the elements - all the contrast, the challenges, the pain, the suffering, the success, the breakthroughs, the meeting, the situations we are in and must face together, etc. Like any good love story, there are all sorts of elements to put in in order to provide the proper foundation and framework for the actualization of a romantic adventure that lasts for thousands of years. It has to have meaning, value and substance; challenge, contrast and pain must be present to develop those qualities fully.
One of the interesting properties of this "physical world" virtual reality program is that when you are in it, you do not remember ever being out of it. Your story line here is self-contained, beginning at what is, in the virtual world, "birth" (or near that event). We log out of this virtual world regularly and automatically during "sleep mode". When we log out, we are in our home in the astral, where we can talk about how the process is going and if we need to make any adjustments. There are other people we can consult about this process and get help from. Some call them spirit guides, but in our experience they are technicians and programmers - but we do most of it ourselves.
The most important part of our relationship renewal process, though, is this: when our personal part of the program ends (when Irene died, when I die), it is the frame of consciousness that we have developed while in the virtual world program that will carry over - replace - our frame of consciousness in the astral. The thousands of years of experience together that we have accumulated since our last renewal will transfer to our subconscious and unconscious - not lost, just forgotten from our conscious mind. All we will remember is that which we have accumulated from our entry (birth) into the current virtual world system. This means this personality will be the one "crossing over" and being greeted by Irene in the astral.
Now, this might seem troubling at first, but it's really not that different from how we experience our ongoing physical life; most of us don't remember about 99% of our lives. Who can remember every waking second of every day of their life? Also, for me, I might as well be an entirely different person than I was just 20 years ago. If you ask me what happened last Tuesday, I'd have have to think real hard just to try to remember - and I might not even be able to.
So, we only carry around just so much memory in any event. Plus, the "you" on the other side doesn't "disappear", any more than the me of age 12 disappeared, or the me of age 25 has disappeared. This is the natural progression of self-identity - our conscious self-identification changes over time. Things fall out of our conscious memory and into our subconscious and unconscious all the time. This isn't anything weird or scary - it's just the nature of ongoing consciousness. My sense of self has changed many times in a single day - most notably, the day I met Irene and the day she died. Having children can have the same effect. There are lots of things in life that can change us from who we were before to who we are after in a heartbeat.
All of this makes perfect sense to me now. This is what Irene and I do when we want to experience a new version of our love story. There's nothing else better for us in all of creation than to re-experience meeting, falling in love, discovering who and what we are to each other, and going on a multi-dimensional journey together for thousands of years, rediscovering all the wonders of creation - at each other's side - as if for the first time.
Knowing this, knowing what is in store for us and why we did it, I'm not in any hurry to get to the next chapter in this book - instead, I want to savor every second of this part of our story, where the anticipation has set in for what is about to happen in chapter two.
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