Understanding Connection to "Spirit"

This is part two of the channeled information I waded through the past week or two, concerning what we refer to as "spirit" and our connection to it. Again, I apologize for the authoritative tone and issue my usual caveat: accept what resonates, dismiss the rest.

Our Connection to "Spirit"

First, what is "spirit"?  The phrases used in much of the afterlife community reflects a certain history of thought which characterizes our transdimensional interactions in a particular perspective, as if our "normal" experiences in this physical space are somehow less "of spirit" than other kinds of interactions.  For example, we don't usually consider normal conversation to be as much "of spirit" as information coming to us from mediumship, automatic writing, channeling, using EVPs, etc.

Note the normal characterization of such "spiritual" interactions as information coming from "non-physical" or "spirit," even when most of us in the afterlife community understand that those we are talking with or getting information from using such means are as physical as we are. Do we consider talking to someone on the phone, or through the internet, contact with "non-physical" beings? Is our transdimensional communication somehow naturally of a better "spiritual" quality? Is it more meaningful somehow?

In the first place, what we call the physical world is, by virtually all credible afterlife accounts, just one more arena of experience in an infinite number of physical, dimensional worlds.  That makes this world just as much "of spirit" as any other.  Often this world is referred to as a "lower" level of experience, or of lower "vibration" - but, what reason is there to consider it as such?  Usually, we point at certain things like pain or discomfort, illness and disease, or what we consider to be bad behavioral characteristics like crime and war to make the case that this is a lower "spiritual level" or vibratory dimension.

The problem with that view is that all those "bad" or "negative" behaviors begin with thoughts just like the good and positive ones.  This means that such mental structures must exist at the mental level as well, and must be vibrating down through our multi-dimensional existence like any other thought or idea.  Abraham-Hicks and others tell us that source is just as creatively reactive to bad thoughts as good, and there's no reason to doubt that based on what we can readily see around us.  If everything begins with a mind choosing thoughts, attention and intention in source, it is very easy to observe the result of painful and destructive thoughts.

We like to think of things in linear and hierarchical terms because it provides a sense of universal order and context through which we can judge and evaluate our experiences and give our sense of self a kind of value rating.  This kind of thinking is virtually universal, at least in this experiential arena.  In the afterlife community, we often organize self-value in terms of how "spiritual" we are, being of service to others, doing good, being kind, loving, etc. We may see others as being "less spiritual" because of their views, activities or habits.

However, it's all equally "spiritual" in the sense that everyone is of the same source and using that source to generate their experiences wherever they may be, whatever dimension they may exist in.  The mystic trying to achieve oneness with god is, logically, no more spiritual than the hedonist addicted to drugs and stealing in order to supply his or her habit.  They are both equally beings of spirit and equally using the connection of mind in source to generate their experience.  To put it in very stark and controversial terms: Hitler is every bit as much a spiritual being as Gandhi. We are all beings of spirit, completely enmeshed in spirit, and equally utilizing spirit.

When we talk and listen to others, whether we experience it as transdimensional or not, we are accessing spirit.  We consider mediumship and EVPs as somehow more evidential of spirit communication while we totally disregard the miraculous nature of normal communication simply because of its ubiquitous nature.  Think for a minute about the nature of communication with anyone you know.  Working our vocal cords and hearing the words of others is a miraculous feat in itself because we have no idea how to do those things other than through simple intent and attention. Do we know which synapses to fire, how those muscles work, how to generate differently pitched vibrations through the air that represent different sounds?  Do we know what enzymes to create, synapses to fire in order to interpret sounds our auditory devices pick up?

This process is every bit as amazing as any EVP or mediumship communication, yet we do not normally regard it with the same perspective.  We have countless spirit beings around us that we can see and interact with every day, yet we find them less interesting and of less "spiritual communication" value than our attempts at transdimensional communication.  We're living in a world full of spirits, full of spirit communication and activity, yet we look in another direction, a more difficult direction, for our "spiritual" information and confirmation.

Think about the process of talking about a subject. Do you map out your words first? Do you mentally arrange them for grammatical coherence?  For myself and I think most people, just the sense of a subject that you want to talk about is enough to trigger a coherent and meaningful flow of words without any real prior planning.  Often, while talking, ideas occur to us, intuitions guide us, and we can even surprise ourselves by the things we say.  Where does all that come from?  What are we accessing when we have our attention on a subject, intend to say something about it, and a perfectly (well, more or less) coherent string of sounds comes out, and all that happens without us having to figure out not only what we are going to say first, but without even knowing how we are physically operating our biological machinery to get it done?

We are spirits communicating via BVP - Biological Voice Phenomena, activated and employed entirely by even the barest attention on a subject and the barest intention to talk about it, accessing what we call spirit so frequently we are usually completely oblivious to the miracle of communication.

A lot of normal "BVP" communication are entwined with memory; how do we access memory? Do we know where memories are stored? Do we understand the process of memory retrieval?  Did someone give us a manual to teach us how to access our memories? No ... it all operates off of intent and attention.  How is it that we can understand what someone else is meaning to say, even when they are doing a poor job linguistically or coherently? Why is it that one person can interpret what someone says one way, and another listener interpret it an entirely different way, if not because of their own mental framework?

It's not difficult to channel communication from spirit or to interact with spiritual beings because we do it all the time - in fact, all communication and interaction is "of spirit". What else can it be? There's no accounting for our ability to simply "intend", or put our attention on a thing, and then suddenly we are talking, imagining, thinking, visualizing, remembering, understanding, etc., without any knowledge whatsoever how any of that works bio-mechanically.  We wonder if that information is coming from "us" or from someone or something else; what does it matter? Aren't we all of spirit, don't we all have transdimensional existences with our experiences originating in universal source? Isn't all of our experience - even that which we regard as "normal" - ultimately derived from our intention and attention working through source?

The main point here is that many of us have a kind of "disconnect" between what we consider "normal" life and communication, and "spiritual" life and communication, as if there is some kind of fundamental difference. Once we accept that it is ALL what we call "spirit" and "spiritual," we may find that we can get the interaction and information we want from all sorts of normal sources.
