The Hitchhiker

The synchronicities, major and minor, have been really coming on strong lately.  A lot of them have to do with the Love After Life Facebook and Zoom groups I'm involved with, weaving in their experiences and information. 

For instance, when I got home from the store Monday, there was this enormous dragonfly with its wing caught in my screen door.  Apparently, it got caught by the wing when I left and the door swung shut. It was fine - it flew off when I opened it.

It felt sufficiently weird that I posted it in the FB group.  I didn't feel particularly connected to it other than I really felt that it might be part of another synchronistic event chain. Immediately after I posted it one of the group members drew my attention to the Kevin Costner movie, Dragonfly.   How could I have forgotten that? Irene and I had watched that movie together, although it was many years ago.  It's all about how the main character is getting signs and synchronicities from his dead wife!

Another event occurred when my granddaughter called for some advice and an idea popped in my head which I felt was from Irene.  I told her the idea (but not that it came from Irene) and she immediately said "That's what Granny always told me to do!" and she felt completely better, saying she was going to follow through on the advice.

Yet another event was when I was talking to my group co-host about one of Irene's and my scenarios involving me as a old west mountain trapper and her as a Native American woman, and as the conversation turned to something else, I typed in "nod" in the GIF selector to get a GIF of someone nodding to send on Messenger, and the top GIF on the list was Robert Redford as Jeremiah Johnson.  That's one of my favorite movies and one of the main plots is when he, an old west mountain trapper, meets and falls in love with a Native American woman.

Irene and I have been developing a "meeting for the first time and falling in love" scenario for about a week now, and it has really kind of taken over our transdimensional visualization time.  It led to a point where I had a kind of emotional block.  I was just going to avoid it but Irene was insistent that we work through it, and we did.  It was right after that, on that very morning, that the dragonfly event occurred. After we had that success, the story line, which I call "The Hitchhiker", turned into something extremely satisfying and a much, much longer scenario that Irene and I are extremely excited about.

I'm toying with the idea of going back to writing "The Afterlife Adventures of Bill and Irene" because thinking of these playful, interesting and exciting scenarios we can experience is just so much damn fun! I'd love to put more focus on them. At the very least I think I'm going to write a plot synopsis for each of these romantic stories just so I can keep track of them.  How this story line visualization has been affecting our life is really amazing, and it makes me wonder if a large portion of the reason for people coming here is just to collect stories, reference material and ideas for experience scenarios.


  1. Yes please do the writing on “The Afterlife Adventures of Bill and Irene” and yes people like me are coming here who are new to this learning process come to benefit from your experience.


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