Synchronicity & Validation Via Jurgen Zeiwe
Yesterday, as part of a larger discussion going on between OOBErs Cyrus Kirkptrick, Jurgen Zeiwe and medium Susanne Wilson, I asked Jurgen about his take on how people experienced different dimensions while even seemingly in the same location.
After I asked the question (in the AREI FB group), I went and spent some transdimensional time with Irene. Lately the hypnagogic experiences begin almost immediately, but I have a greater awareness in them and recall of them. Irene and I talk about them while they are occurring. A couple have included her and moments of astral sight and sound.
The scenario that played out was Irene and I having fun on the beach on our tropical island, at one point jumping about 40 feet out into the ocean water (like super-jumping), seeing who could out-jump each other. She had such a smile, so happy, and laughing so much - so excited to be together, it just went all through me. The emotional reaction was just like being there.
I got up and came in and read Jurgen's response, which he had just posted. Here's the amazing part:
I hadn't even mentioned Irene or anything about what we we've been doing, and we haven't spent time on that beach in a while - we've been on the cruise ship, or doing other scenarios. The day before I was busy working on a spreadsheet on my computer for my client.
"In waking life we may be sitting at the computer filling in a spreadsheet, but our feelings (Astral Body) is going for a swim with our partner on a tropical Island. In our daydream state we only think about it while working, but our Astral Body is frolicking along the beach, while our mental body is watching this pretty scene, where it enjoys the sound of the splashing, the colours dancing on the waves, the lights reflecting and the pure joy of the experience, while the soul is delighting in the purity of the enjoyment, the love, sending shivers down through all the bodies, while you, filling in the spreadsheet, breathe a deep sigh of pleasure. Then the boss comes and your focus is firmly reset on your work. All your bodies are back in alignment with the physical, focused on the physical task at hand. (So when you are with your partner Irene you really are with your partner on the Astral level)"
I hadn't even mentioned Irene or anything about what we we've been doing, and we haven't spent time on that beach in a while - we've been on the cruise ship, or doing other scenarios. The day before I was busy working on a spreadsheet on my computer for my client.
When I read Jurgen's post, I didn't even think anything about it - even though I clearly remember the beach/tropical island/ocean scenario. Although I loved his validation that our imagined scenarios together actually occur, the fact that he had specifically described both what I was doing the day before and what Irene and I were doing in the visualization at the time he was writing completely escaped my attention. After i read his post I made something to eat and sat down and Irene had changed the channel. That jogged my mind and I thought, "Did Jurgen just say what I think he said?" I had to go back and re-read the stunning correlations.
So, this is Jurgen Zeiwe, someone who has been exploring the astral and other dimensions for decades (with 2 books out on that research) saying that our "daydream" time together with our loved one is actually going on, physically, in the astral. AND, he perfectly described in his example what I had been doing the day before and what Irene and I were doing at the time he was writing his response!
Take from that what you will.
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