
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Slightly Different Perspective

I had a weird experience the past couple of days that coincided with a lot of information shared by members of the Love After Life group recently, and my own prior experiences, that has led me to adopt a slightly different paradigm about what I'm doing in working towards fuller transdimensional experiences and the goal of increased, full astral projection experiences with Irene. I'm consolidating it here in the case others find it helpful. One of the common themes of many experiences here is that they just sort of unexpectedly happen - whether we feel good at the time or bad, whether we are trying or not at the time, etc. They seem to occur without our knowledge of how to trigger them and whether or not, at the time, we are even trying to trigger them. My weird experience was this: my client called me and said that Firefox wasn't properly loading and displaying the company website I created via WIX (we transferred to WIX so that they can operate it and make changes e...

Irene Puts On a Light Show

We had more light shows and other phenomena at our last Love After Life Zoom Meeting, including what appeared to be my lights going dim and bright, dim and bright for a few seconds, which I didn't see here but was visible on the screen to everyone.  A medium in the room said it was Irene. I've been getting lots of clarification and simplification material via the channeling process, apparently in preparation for the upcoming Automatic Writing Zoom Room where I'm going to be the "featured speaker," after several people requested it.  What I find is how incredibly simple the experientialism framework is, how it can take the most complex and confusing aspects of afterlife information and explain it directly and easily. The only problem isn't the complexity - it's not complex at all. The problem is that the model challenges virtually all "normal" frames of reference and the core values of most experiential frameworks.  Because of the deep nature of s...

Interesting Experiences & Progress

Had another dream of Irene and myself and woke up afterward at about 2:00 am ... after I told her to be sure I remember dreams of us even if she has to wake me up in the middle of the night. I laid back down after a couple of hours of work and after about 20 minutes I couldn't tell if my eyes were shut or not. I was seeing a horizon with trees silhouetted against a purple light source behind them. Behind that I could see what seemed to be the faint image of my pillows and headboard. This didn't feel at all like hypnagogia and it wasn't the same as astral sight.  I could open my eyes and shut them and it still didn't feel like I had them shut - it felt like they were wide open. On three separate occasions yesterday I did a full-lotus position meditation for 30 minutes. It is very easy and natural and after a couple of minutes I'm usually very relaxed and feel a vibration like being high on a drug (I guess - I've never actually been high on a drug).  In the latter...

Going Full-Out Transdimensional

As I wrote in an earlier blog, my daughter coming to live with me brought in some serious challenges for me to have to deal with mentally, and it went beyond the initial emotional vibration.  It felt like I was being pushed out of my current dimensional structure and it was rather unsettling.  The first thing I needed to do was take responsibility and take command instead of simply reacting and trying to sort out and deal with my reactions.  I assigned my daughter's issues to "spirit" - I could only do what I could do for her, which did not include solving her lifelong problems.  She had a safe place to live, food, etc.  The rest was up to her and her spirit team. Second, I began affirmations that all of this was ultimate in our (Irene's and my) benefit. Third, I knew that to keep on vibratory track with what Irene and I were doing, I'd have to keep doing full-lotus position meditation along with visualizations to keep from being emotionally dragged into my daug...