Going Full-Out Transdimensional

As I wrote in an earlier blog, my daughter coming to live with me brought in some serious challenges for me to have to deal with mentally, and it went beyond the initial emotional vibration.  It felt like I was being pushed out of my current dimensional structure and it was rather unsettling. 

The first thing I needed to do was take responsibility and take command instead of simply reacting and trying to sort out and deal with my reactions.  I assigned my daughter's issues to "spirit" - I could only do what I could do for her, which did not include solving her lifelong problems.  She had a safe place to live, food, etc.  The rest was up to her and her spirit team.

Second, I began affirmations that all of this was ultimate in our (Irene's and my) benefit. Third, I knew that to keep on vibratory track with what Irene and I were doing, I'd have to keep doing full-lotus position meditation along with visualizations to keep from being emotionally dragged into my daughter's "world", so to speak. She's in our world now, and part of my job is to keep that world on it's positive vibrational course.

The past couple of days I've been doing all this extra meditation and visualization, and it's really been quite remarkable.  The full-lotus position meditation is incredibly deep and feels like I'm on some kind of drug.  The vibratory sensations are amazing and many new, clear thoughts came to me about how to think about the structure of mind in terms of imagination, visualization, and astral projection.  The visualizations with Irene and the sense of her reality during them have also been very deep, very intimate and satisfying.

During our time talking on the porch yesterday - we had five sessions there - I realized I had been largely parked in a comfort zone before my daughter arrived. Part of the reason for that was that I still had a concern (Jesus it's like these subconscious issues never go away!) that I would be taking up too much of Irene's time if I made a full-time job out of our transdimensional efforts.  Another concern was some kind of residual thought that it may not be healthy or right for me to spend so much time and effort trying to fully realize a transdimensional life.

Now, when I say a "full-time job", I mean a full time job that I absolutely love doing.  I love doing the meditation, the visualizing, and channeling ideas and thoughts in that direction. I love writing about this stuff and working with the various groups I'm in. The situation I'm in, personally, financially and professionally, is perfect for this.  I have the time, the background, the motivation, the understanding. I've done all the prep work for working on this particular goal. Irene and I have the energy and the desire to bring this to fruition. So, why not?

It was really about just making sure we're both on the same train, and we are.

I've had a couple of great dreams the past couple of days, which is interesting because I usually don't remember my dreams. However, my theory is that the more I practice my transdimensional awareness, the more I will have and remember dreams - so that seems to be working right not.  They were both great dreams, and in one I got a kiss from Irene at the end. In the other, I was working at the place I was working when I met Irene, riding the same motorcycle and wearing the same leather jacket and hat - but I was a time traveler.
