Tuning Into Frequencies As A Child

I remember when I was about five or six, before I was even in grade school, I could tap into what felt to me at the time was a particular sensation and time would seem to slow down.  I remember playing kick ball and dodge ball, I could - even then - "tune in" to this sensation and everything would be moving as if in slow motion to me and nobody could hit me with the ball because I could easily dodge it while I was in that different sense of the passing of time.

I also remember after I started going to school we were having timed races to see who could run the fastest from one point to the other.  It might have been ten or twenty yards.  Somehow I knew I was able to tune in, right then, to some kind of sensation that had to do with running fast.  As the race started I clicked in to a strange running mode and I felt like the flash or something - it was surreal.  About halfway through the run I was going faster than I had the coordination to manage and I tripped, rolled, got up and finished the race.  When I was done a couple of my friends were wide-eyed and said that it was too bad I tripped because they had never seen anyone run so fast.  Even the teacher eyed me with a strange look and commented about how fast I had started out.

There have been other times in my life when I could "feel" or "tune in" to how to do a thing, and then somehow be able to do it really, really well.

There were some dreams I had when I was younger where, as I was waking, I was trying very hard to stay aware of some kind of knowledge or ability I had, but never could bring it across the threshold of waking consciousness.  Thinking back on it, those things I was trying to bring across with me were things that felt similar to those capacities I had when really young, like slowing time down or running really fast.

As time goes by and I continue my daily process of prayer, meditation, intention, affirmation, exercise routine, EVP recording attempts, and going into and out of rest and sleep cycles focusing on Irene, astral projection and the afterlife dimensions, it's as if I'm reconnecting to something I had when I was younger, a more vibrant connection to frequencies tuned out as worldly, adult concerns and distractions filled my life and mind. The sheer weight of time and focus that was necessarily spent on social and financial pressures and concerns tuned me into the "regular" world, so to speak, even though strange events and odd capacities to know things continued throughout my life, I just didn't have any time to really consider them other than superficially.

Now, however, I do have that time, and it feels like I'm moving into frequencies of reality less ordered by normal social and financial focus. It will be interesting to see what develops.  I do feel like I'm getting really close to some kind of new experience.  We'll see.


  1. OMG Tuning in to a different vibration (sensation) perhaps? You being able to 'physically run faster' tapping into it is amazing. We ought to delve into this during a sibling get together.


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