How To Set A Powerful, Unstoppable Intention

I set out this morning to better organize my process - yes, even though I've talked before about not setting up a rigid schedule that could lead to frustration and guilt, I feel like I've gone beyond feeling those things due to not adhering to a schedule or due to unmet expectations of myself.  If I cannot meditate at times or things don't progress as fast as I want, I get over that fast enough, but there is a process by which that occurs and I really need to try to adhere to it as much as possible.

First, when I get up in the morning, it's important that I start empowering and invoking our home frequency right off the bat, no matter how I feel when I get up.  If I feel ambivalent, I need to soldier through it and do my greetings, feel appreciation, ask for help, say my prayers and do my intention-setting meditation.  I can't let feelings and emotions of unwanted frequencies set the tone for my day and guide my decisions about what to do; it's up to me to continue creating our experience with our frequency, to deliberately tune into it and focus on it.

When I first wake up is when I need to use meditation to set my intentions for the day, right off the bat.  After I set them I can continue meditation for other reasons, but that's something I need to do every morning.  I set an incredible intention this morning, and I'm going to explain it as the template for setting good, powerful intentions.

Mentally, I searched for images/sequences of Irene and I being together that evoked the deep feeling I wanted to use to set my intention.  This was not an image of the past, because that is not where I want to be.  I want to be with her now, so I invented/found a new image/sequence of us in my imagination, both idealized versions of our physical selves outside at our astral home - it still makes my heart pound with love, longing, joy and happiness just to imagine it. That's the kind of intention you want to use because it sets the energies in motion perfectly, and it is very powerful.  You can feel the universe moving to meet your desire because it wants to fulfill such a beautiful, magnificent moment.  It's what the universe created all this for, and what it is constantly searching for.

Later meditations will begin with appreciation and then listening, watching, allowing and accepting.  I want to make sure and try to give each their own time with separate meditations, if possible.  I believe this will give me increased confidence that I'm doing all I can so that I can then feel free to trust, have faith, and allow.  It's in the hands of God, the universe, and my spirit team.  Whatever happens, it's what we planned and what I've chosen to go through to get to our home, the place we have intended.
