A Very Good Place, All Things Considered

I had another dream of Irene last night.  It was a pretty weird dream with all kinds of crazy stuff going on, but I woke up very excited and happy that I got to see her again. 

Having family over for several days through Christmas and having a heavy workload I had to concentrate on didn't affect me very much emotionally, although I did feel a bit less connected to Irene for the duration.  I started to remedy that yesterday by meditating three times and going to bed early, talking to her as I fell asleep.  Lately, with the kids here, I usually fall asleep as soon as I lay down.  The meditations were good, deep and had great connection to her; the porch and evening talks were very nice, and the dream was really interesting and just topped everything off.

It's easy to get into a distraction mode - watching too much TV, reading too much on the internet, etc.  I find it bizarre that I would revert to habits of distraction when I enjoy my connection to Irene so much.  Perhaps some part of me is afraid of going further because I don't want to risk leaving what is a very good place for us.

There have been some really good discussions in the afterlife groups on Facebook about the nature of reality and experience.  It's something I've been writing about lately on a new page for the blog, but I don't know how far I want to go with it.  It doesn't change anything about how Irene and I go about interacting, but sometimes a different perspective can help by dislodging barriers that might not even be recognized as such.  That information I was given a while back is still filtering down, but I really don't know that it does me much good.  I've spent too much time trying to understand it and not enough time focused on fueling our connection, IMO.  Our connection is great, but we do want to see how far we can take it in its current transdimensional state.

There really is only so much I can take of being around other people. I'm glad there's an AREI meeting break going on because I'm enjoying my quiet time with Irene so much. Lately, though, Marley - one of our Pekingese - has had the habit of trying to interrupt me every time I sit down to meditate. Yesterday, the birds at the bird feeder banged against the window right after I started meditating and had told Marley to leave me be for a few minutes.  It seems at times there is a conspiracy to prevent me from meditating.

I experienced virtually no sadness this holiday season, and what little emotional or mental discomfort there was I felt was probably someone else's issues seeping into  me.
