Love After Life Now Available On Amazon

Today our book, Love After Life, is available on Amazon!  Many thanks to Cyrus Kirkpatrick for his help in facilitating this.

Yesterday I had a long conversation on the back porch with my Mom, Dad and brother, Reed, all of whom have crossed over.  I expressed my great gratitude for what they contributed to my life and to my family.  I'm so blessed to have been surrounded by and raised by good people, who have contributed so much to my development mentally/spiritually and who just helped us out when we needed it.  Without them, I have no idea where I'd have wound up in this life.

During our talks on the porch, Irene has been putting memories of us in my head of things I had forgotten.  She feels more comfortable doing it now that I'm at a place where I will not crash into grief and can experience those memories happily and joyfully. I have told her to feel free to do so and have given her free access to my mind and physical body.  That's one of the great things about having nothing to hide and trusting someone so completely as we do each other.

It feels so good to be able to remember things and not be crushed by sorrow.  I never thought we'd get to this point, but here we are!
