What Visualizations Are Like Now

Today I had such a great meditation.  My ability to visualize Irene is so good these days.  Back when I was in pain I would have a hard time with long, consistent scenes of her and I together - it was like there was constant interference. Now I can easily imagine her sitting right in front of me, talking to me, smiling, laughing, etc.  I can stay in a visualized scene with her as long as I wish. 

You might ask, how much of it is her, and how much my imagination?  She assures me that everything I "imagine" is in some way rooted in reality.  She has assured me of this several times with explicit confirmations expressed through amazing, synchronistic signs that I have detailed in prior entries, but that occur so fluidly and so often that I don't even think to write them down in this blog anymore. I just take them as part of our normal relationship.

There is a sensation I have when I know she is guiding me to meditate and visualize, sort of a specific vibration in my head - not like needing to rest or do a hypnagogic exercise, but more emotional in content. These visualization experiences are so serene and so pleasant it's hard to describe.  She tells me we can do them all we want, anytime, and not to hesitate or doubt for a moment.  We are outside of time and space at these times and it's our own world, so to speak.  It will not interfere or distract he from anything else she wants to do - like visit with or help the kids and grandkids.

Also, Irene assures me I'm doing great - all is going as planned.  We've already won, and it's already done, our eternal relationship is already in place. Nothing to worry about, feel bad or insecure about, or to be anxious about. Everything from here on out is gravy.

Life is good.
