Coming Into Full Understanding Of My Purpose

The past couple of days I've had the most amazing realization.  It has to do with some stuff I haven't even written about here because I've been wanting to save it for the Afterlife Adventures book, but after this explosive self-realization I can't contain myself any longer.

Lately I've been using my hypnagogic states when I lay down to imagine and explore activities Irene and I will be engaging in once together in the afterlife, along with what we want to experience it.  Included in this is my imagining afterlife "technologies" that would be joyful and delightful, like the "creative world experience generator" system I might have written about here before - I can't really remember.

Anyway, it gives us the capacity to use a technological interface (which really appears more like a mystical interface out of a Dr. Strange movie) to, for example, change the world and sky around our home (the castle on an outcropping of rock by the ocean) to any environment we want. Lush jungle, snow-capped mountains, a moon circling Saturn - only the imagination is the limit.  We can go out and explore any of these scenarios and use the interface to create structures, change the landscape, the appearance of the castle, create whatever we want and change it however we want because it's all based on our mutual experience and not on altering any consensus reality realm.

We can choose from a database of contributing experiencers/contributors, make alterations, or create our own stuff from scratch through the system.  We can import or design plants, animals - anything we want.

While doing this, I was reminded of how many times since my childhood I had thought of something that would be cool, or worked on a creative venue, only to find some time later that the very thing I had imagined or worked on was either already invented, or was invented some time later.  This didn't bother me because I just wanted the things I thought of to exist so I could enjoy them.  This weird synchronicity only accelerated and happened more often as time went by and I got older, especially after I met Irene. There were a couple of times when I would think of a thing and then a few seconds later found that very thing right in front of me.  Other times I would think about software I wished existed and the very next day an ad would pop up on my computer for that very software, which I never knew existed nor had I searched for anything like it.

The thing is, I never wanted to have the responsibility of actually doing the work to make the thing real and market it - I just loved coming up with ideas.  Those ideas would actually physically manifest in reality-challenging ways.

What Irene and my spirit team have made perfectly clear to me is that this is exactly what I'm doing here right now, and exactly why I'm in the particular situation I'm in; to come up with ideas for new experiential modes and "technologies" from this very particular perspective, where a sort of contextual "tension" exist in my current experiential state. That state is knowing other experiential modes exist (what we call afterlife realms), knowing that mind can create new experiential modes and technologies, but not having access to the knowledge or experience of the afterlife to put psychological or experiential limitations and expectations on what I can imagine.

Another part of that tension is the framework of the physical world and the limitations it apparently has placed on us (or that we have accepted) and the limited modes of thought available here, which limit what we can imagine or experience.  I excel at breaking down those psychological patterns - something I've been doing, really, my whole life. I've always been an extreme anti-authoritarian.  Since the mid-90's my writing has always been about the same thing - rejecting consensus perspectives, breaking down beliefs and norms - especially those inside myself - and finding thoughts to hold conditionally for the purpose of freeing my thoughts and freeing myself from my own limited habits and capacities.

The point of all of this was to free myself to be able to enjoy my life on my own terms, since the terms provided by society, culture, religion and various authorities had abjectly failed to produce anything but misery in my personal experience. If I do say so myself, I've become something of a master at recognizing, breaking down and dispensing with what I consider to be limiting belief structures, then exploring options that others could not see.

This skill set and my own freedom from investment in any particular view as "objectively true" gives me a rather unique capacity to imagine what most others can not or will not, unfettered by what is reasonable or acceptable in terms of consensus perspectives and psychological structures.  Also, my innate "non-spiritual" nature isn't bound by any religious/spiritual parameters. I'm not limited to whether or not anything I imagine is bound to any "good" or "spiritual" purpose as defined by various doctrines or views.

However, even as good as I am about doing that, I recently discovered that my motivation to imagine has in fact been, up to this point, limited psychologically by certain physical-world parameters, such as the reasonableness of whether or not what I imagine could ever be made physically real in this kind of world; the pragmatics of what it would take to create something; whether or not it would produce any kind of monetary gain; how it would affect other people; how much time it would take (since I don't expect to be in this world forever), etc. Also, being in a very comfortable situation doesn't exactly serve as any great motivation (a reason I think some have the Earth-physical experience).

What I've realized now is that anything I imagine can be made real, if not in this Earth-physical experience then definitely in what we call afterlife experiential modes. Absolutely anything I can dream up can be made real, not only for myself but for anyone else capable of experiencing whatever I come up with.  Other than lending my imaginative mental energy to the establishment of such modes and technologies, it's not my responsibility to "figure out" how to manifest/implement them; my only job is just imagining it, which gives access to my soul team and others to take the ball and run with it.

I can't express how inspirational, motivating and exciting this is.  I'm absolutely thrilled.  I feel like I've been unlocked.  Anything Irene and I can imagine that we want for our eternal, romantic delight can be made real. Anything!
