
Showing posts from October, 2018

Understanding Connection to "Spirit"

This is part two of the channeled information I waded through the past week or two, concerning what we refer to as "spirit" and our connection to it. Again, I apologize for the authoritative tone and issue my usual caveat: accept what resonates, dismiss the rest. Our Connection to "Spirit" First, what is "spirit"?  The phrases used in much of the afterlife community reflects a certain history of thought which characterizes our transdimensional interactions in a particular perspective, as if our "normal" experiences in this physical space are somehow less "of spirit" than other kinds of interactions.  For example, we don't usually consider normal conversation to be as much "of spirit" as information coming to us from mediumship, automatic writing, channeling, using EVPs, etc. Note the normal characterization of such "spiritual" interactions as information coming from "non-physical" or "spirit,...


Please excuse the authoritarian style of writing.  When this stuff comes to me via channeling, I can either spend days trying to rephrase everything in editing or just offer the caveat: accept what resonates, ignore the rest. For most people, when they think of "imagination" they think of creating thoughts or imagery that is confined to being "in their head" - completely personal and unconnected to anything external, private thoughts that only exist in the confines of their physical brain. Thus, we have phrases like "only in your head" or "just your imagination", which trivializes imagination as something fun (or worrisome) but, for practical purposes, largely without any significant effect on the real world and on our real lives. To begin to understand the true power of imagination and its importance, we must first ask a very simple question: What is imagination? The short answer is: attention , sometimes accompanied by intention .  In...

Another Channeling/Automatic Writing Download

I blame Kim LaCapria for triggering the following, which is a channeled download. As always, I apologize for the authoritarian tone and pease, take what resonates and dismss the rest: I'll be using the term "mind" for the most part, but others can substitute "soul" our "spirit" if those terms better fit their perspective in the following post. Most people think of mind in terms of a distinct three-dimensional construct, probably because the culture deeply associates the mind with the physical brain.  Those of us involved in the afterlife community understand that the mind is not the brain, because it survives death and continues on - same personality, same memories, but not in any essential way equivalent to the physical brain.  Therefore, memories, thoughts, our personalities, ideas emotional connections do not represent physically located and physically caused phenomena. In my old Eastern Indian philosophy, the core essence of an individual was...

Major Synchronistic Event & An Amazing Realization

Over the past few days I've had one of the most incredible and game-changing series of synchronistic events I've experienced yet. It started with reading some thing from a couple of different sources that, for whatever reason, caused me to start thinking that maybe I was taking up too much of Irene's time by constantly talking to her and doing visualizations with her two or three times a day.  Looking back on it, that kind of doubt and thinking seems entirely out of my character. I went to be after that and did not do my usual visualizations in order to "free up" some of Irene's time.  It just sounds so ridiculous now, but the chain of events that followed shows that this was all set up to produce an effect - and what an effect!  When I woke up the next day I felt like crap - the worst I've felt in a long time.  Not grief, but actually sad. I literally have not felt sadness in almost a year now. So, Irene and I were talking about it, and she was telling me...

Quick Visit With Irene!

I just laid down for a visualization/transdimensional session. I was visualizing us having a conversation about our process and whether or not our current methods were good. I told her I'd like some confirmation on what we talked about during the visualization and my consciousness shifted to an semi-clear astral state; not as vivid as the fully clarified astral visitation but still not a dream or a visualization. She was right in front of me giving me an "okay" sign and then she leaned forward to kiss me back into my normal state of consciousness much like she did in the astral visitation. I'm VERY excited by this! It's SO nice to get a clear confirmation and encouragement in this way, so great for her to be able to tell me we are in sync and on course!

Love After Life Workshop Videos

My co-admin at the Facebook group Love After Life and co-host of the Zoom (video teleconferencing) group Mary Beth Spann Mank and I have been creating Love After Life Workshop videos.  We started this project because it is very difficult to schedule a convenient time for the people from around the world to meet up via the internet to go through the workshop we created to help people go through the process of creating a happy, fulfilling transdimensional relationship with our crossed-over soul-mates. I never really thought we'd get to the point where we are now, with 150 members of our Facebook group and weekly Zoom meetings with several group members in attendance every week. I had no idea there would be this many people who wanted to keep their relationship going after their partner's death.  We currently have a medium attending the Zoom meetings and she has been very beneficial to some members there, and she recently joined our FB group as she also has a crossed-over sweethe...