Major Synchronistic Event & An Amazing Realization

Over the past few days I've had one of the most incredible and game-changing series of synchronistic events I've experienced yet.

It started with reading some thing from a couple of different sources that, for whatever reason, caused me to start thinking that maybe I was taking up too much of Irene's time by constantly talking to her and doing visualizations with her two or three times a day.  Looking back on it, that kind of doubt and thinking seems entirely out of my character.

I went to be after that and did not do my usual visualizations in order to "free up" some of Irene's time.  It just sounds so ridiculous now, but the chain of events that followed shows that this was all set up to produce an effect - and what an effect!  When I woke up the next day I felt like crap - the worst I've felt in a long time.  Not grief, but actually sad. I literally have not felt sadness in almost a year now.

So, Irene and I were talking about it, and she was telling me that I had let other people's assumptions about the afterlife and about how things work get into my head and affect how I thought about us and our relationship.  Just after that, my Love After Life co-host was telling me via Messenger about some information her crossed-over soul mate was giving her about "false premises" about the afterlife and how it gets in the way of our transdimensional relationships, usually in the form of all kinds of "spiritual" and "metaphysical" barriers, procedures, structures, limitations and other ideas, as if we have to jump through all sorts of spiritual hoops to connect with our loved ones.

That conversation just turned on a whole spigot of information flowing into me.  We went out on the porch and she explained to/showed me a better view of the nature of our relationship so I could better appreciate what was actually going on with us.

Mentally, Irene and I are pretty close to being "one", as the term "twin flame" indicates. We're like different parts of the same being, and in the mental dimensions we are completely intertwined; what emanates from there is a co-created experience that basically crates our experiences in other dimensions, such as what we call the astral or the physical (weird words, since they are both completely physical). In other words, the mental level is the actual causal point, the origin of our experiences.  That cause manifests as experiences in other dimensions.  In one sense you could say that the mental flows downstream through various astral and physical dimensions, generating thought manifestions as it goes along it's path.

At the "top", though, Irene and I are thoroughly, mentally intertwined.  We do all this together.  So, way down here in the physical, she shows me that when "I" imagine or visualize us together, it's not just me doing it - it's as much her as it is me.  We're co-creating a visualization experience for us both to enjoy, just as we co-create all of our experiences whether astral or physical. We're not usually consciously aware of this, but we were experiencing amazing mental connection long before she crossed over.

The problem, she told me, was that I had not really made the decision to embrace the visualizations as being actual experiences we were having together because I couldn't understand it in an intellectually satisfying way. I was worried about several aspects of visualization. Were we were doing what she wanted in them? I kept trying to make the scenes more consistent and solid. I kept trying to have a first-person experience in them (instead of observing the two of us doing things.

She said to imagine we were both sitting on the couch and projecting an experience onto the screen, working together, playing off each other's ideas, etc. - I mean, just like we did physically during her life here.  Just like our creative projects around the house, or in creating experiences for ourselves that we thoroughly enjoyed and had fun with. This was no different other than in the visualization experience, there were no limitations.  Money, time or bad health are non-issues in visualization - we can enjoy any experience we can dream up.

Importantly, these visualized creations exist on the mental level, we we are actually accessing the part of our being that ultimately generates all of our experience. Jurgen Zieve has said that on those planes of existence, you can actually see the energy structures thought creates and see how the reverberate through other dimensions into form. Visualizations that we have together help create our future experiences because everything is downstream from mind/consciousness.

That information made my heart race, my breath quicken, and my eyes tear up.  It was so delicious to my soul that Irene and I can curl up any time together and have the limitless power to create any visualized experience together that we want.  To know that mentally we are always together and entertwined, and doing all this together - Holy crap!!! AND ... it will benefit our physical and astral experiences going forward. We're literally building our future by doing this.

I went back inside and was going to watch some television, still talking with Irene in my mind.  I was agreeing with her that I needed to make the decision that what she told me was true, that when "I" visualize us, it's actual "us" doing it together, and it is a real, shared experience.  I tried to switch to my Roku and get on Netflix or YouTube, but for whatever reason a screen came up and said the Roku wasn't connected to the WiFi, so I had to reconnect and put in my password. 

I usually have those pertinent passwords on paper in the back cover of my iPad. I pulled out the paper ... yet the WiFi password wasn't there for some reason.  I remembered I had written it down for my son while he was visiting recently, so I look on my office desk for the paper I had written it down on.  The first piece of paper I picked up had his written at the top, which I don't remember writing:

"Make a decision. You decide what is real and what is not."

That blew me away.  I went back into the living room after I found my wifi password ... and the password was already entered into the blank. I couldn't believe it.
