Another Channeling/Automatic Writing Download
I blame Kim LaCapria for triggering the following, which is a channeled download. As always, I apologize for the authoritarian tone and pease, take what resonates and dismss the rest:
I'll be using the term "mind" for the most part, but others can substitute "soul" our "spirit" if those terms better fit their perspective in the following post.
Most people think of mind in terms of a distinct three-dimensional construct, probably because the culture deeply associates the mind with the physical brain. Those of us involved in the afterlife community understand that the mind is not the brain, because it survives death and continues on - same personality, same memories, but not in any essential way equivalent to the physical brain. Therefore, memories, thoughts, our personalities, ideas emotional connections do not represent physically located and physically caused phenomena.
In my old Eastern Indian philosophy, the core essence of an individual was characterized as pure, observational consciousness surrounded by connections generated by its attention that resulted in the individualized identity and personality of a person. The "farther out" those connections were, the more easily they could be changed without causing any sort of identity crisis. Superficial beliefs or ideas could move around without any trauma, even if they might be uncomfortable.
So, one might view this mental system thusly: a core of conscious observation, and by the process of turning its attention to this or that (like a synapse in the brain wiring itself to various neural network pathways and other synapses), developing an interconnected state of being with preferred thoughts, associations, ideas, intuitions, emotions, other consciousnesses, etc. Note that the individual observational consciousness isn't actually "creating" anything in this scenario; it is simply forming attachments and individualizations by the process of paying attention to an infinite variety of people, things, ideas, thoughts, emotions that already exist. In quantum physics terms, the observer is choosing a connection experience from pure quantum potential. In spiritual terms, our attention is drawing from source whatever we vibrate in harmony with. In mental terms, whatever we give our attention to, becomes real in our experience.
At the core, everything is connected and we have a unity. There is no time or spatial separation at the mental/spiritual/quantum level (zero point energy, hologram and simulation persectives,etc.) This is source, God, "the universe", or whatever terminology you prefer.
I think that fits in to many "spiritual" and non-spiritual (hologram, VR, simulation) paradigms, so I don't think this is a challenging or uncomfortable perspective. It shows how we are all interconnected - "one", really - and offers a model about how what we call "source" interacts with individuals, why our minds are so powerful, why what we give our attention to is described as very important.
So, with that out of the way, here's how it provides a useful model for reconnecting with our crossed-over loved ones. When someone we love dies, a large portion of our mental connections to that person is disrupted, because we are used to interacting, for the most part, to those connections which represent their physical manifestation in our experience. This represents a huge shock to the system which can disrupt our very self-identity. We feel like we are dying, like we've lost something essential to our very being. Although we still have other connections to them (memories, feelings, thoughts, intuitions, ideas, etc.), those connections are not as strong as the connections that were providing physical contact, and we often route those other connections through the disruption because we have no other way to route them developed.
Virtually all of our sense of connection was routed, like a roadway system, through the eight lane interstate highways of physicality. We have no clear map or road paved for alternative connection and communication. All we have in man cases are trails and unpaved back roads with no map. And so, we experience grief, which is itself a form of connection, but based on attention to the disrupted physical connection - like trying to drive across the collapsed and destroyed superhighway.
Continued attention to the disrupted physical connection prolongs and deepens that experience, just as attention to anything deepens and broadens any connection. As Abraham-Hicks often says, if your attention is on your lack of a thing, you well deepen and broaden that lack. If your attention is on drama in a relationship, you get more of it. This is the nature of mind and how it establishes its connections as part of your deep and broad identity experience, or one could say how source or spirit operates. Think negative thoughts, attract negativity; thing positive thoughts, attract positivity.
So, we with crossed-over twin flames/soul mates can either focus on where our connection is painful and lacking, or we can turn our attention to alternative connections - much like a brain can overcome damage by establishing new synaptic connections, or overcome various psychological disorders via various methods that have been shown to actually "re-wire" the brain. We are deliberately re-wiring our mental connections.
This "re-wiring" or developing new roadways can take many forms, depending on connections the individuals may already have or which resonate with them - meditation, guided visualizations & meditation, use of various spiritual practices involving chakras and energy points, mantras, affirmations, use of physical connections like minerals, candles, sacred spaces, nature, etc. This different roadways can lead through widely differing kinds of experiences because the represent different terrain and environments on the way. Logically, different people can see and experience very different things on their paths. (Which would hold true regardless of our motivations or the connection desire we are pursuing, whether or not it had anything to do with contacting a crossed-over loved one.)
We are still deeply connected to our crossed over partners; the problem is that because they were physical, we never had to more fully develop those other avenues of connection (even though many of us experienced them, to some degree, while they were still alive here.) These other connections can be not only every bit as satisfying as the physical connections; they can even be more so - and, there are indeed other forms of physical contact available, like in dreams, sensations of physical contact when we are awake, or via astral projection. We can turn any back road into a super-highway of connection; all it takes is our attention and time.
As Kim LaCapria described in a comment in the Facebook group "Love After Life", these connections can be pursued, deepened and broadened simply by paying attention to them however you can, and embracing them when they come. Explaining them or finding the correct labels isn't necessary (although you have to use something to do so when telling others about it, which she was doing). It may be visual attention like to pictures, thought attention, sensory attention, just a "vibe" you can slip into that feels like you are with them, talking to/with them, memories, visualizations, colognes or perfumes, etc.
In my opinion, romantic soul mates/twin flames are always deeply enmeshed with each other mentally/spiritually. Our mutual connections, perceptions, ideas, thoughts and attention to each other makes us almost parts of the same whole. Disruption of the physical connection is a temporary disruption and, IMO, provides an opportunity to use our attention to dive into other forms of connection that, because of our attention, will certainly deepen and broaden in ways that will probably be total surprises and give rise to sensations and experiences we are completely unfamiliar with. We can feel their thoughts, get intuitive nudges from them, sense their presence; thoughts or feelings we have can be theirs - often, trying to parse the difference as "theirs" or "ours" may be missing the fact that a lot of what we experience, think, feel, intuit, etc. is "ours" - experiencing, thinking and feeling things together, sharing mental synaptic pathways, which may represent a whole new level (at least consciously) of connection intimacy.
Remember, they are also seeking to strengthen connections with you as well; their attention is also on you and strengthening what may be weaker connections, working around disruptive or now-painful connections. All it really takes is just turning your attention to the potential loving, exciting, fulfilling connections and turning your attention away from the lack or the disruption connections. This is the process of healing our connection to our soul mates.
I'll be using the term "mind" for the most part, but others can substitute "soul" our "spirit" if those terms better fit their perspective in the following post.
Most people think of mind in terms of a distinct three-dimensional construct, probably because the culture deeply associates the mind with the physical brain. Those of us involved in the afterlife community understand that the mind is not the brain, because it survives death and continues on - same personality, same memories, but not in any essential way equivalent to the physical brain. Therefore, memories, thoughts, our personalities, ideas emotional connections do not represent physically located and physically caused phenomena.
In my old Eastern Indian philosophy, the core essence of an individual was characterized as pure, observational consciousness surrounded by connections generated by its attention that resulted in the individualized identity and personality of a person. The "farther out" those connections were, the more easily they could be changed without causing any sort of identity crisis. Superficial beliefs or ideas could move around without any trauma, even if they might be uncomfortable.
So, one might view this mental system thusly: a core of conscious observation, and by the process of turning its attention to this or that (like a synapse in the brain wiring itself to various neural network pathways and other synapses), developing an interconnected state of being with preferred thoughts, associations, ideas, intuitions, emotions, other consciousnesses, etc. Note that the individual observational consciousness isn't actually "creating" anything in this scenario; it is simply forming attachments and individualizations by the process of paying attention to an infinite variety of people, things, ideas, thoughts, emotions that already exist. In quantum physics terms, the observer is choosing a connection experience from pure quantum potential. In spiritual terms, our attention is drawing from source whatever we vibrate in harmony with. In mental terms, whatever we give our attention to, becomes real in our experience.
At the core, everything is connected and we have a unity. There is no time or spatial separation at the mental/spiritual/quantum level (zero point energy, hologram and simulation persectives,etc.) This is source, God, "the universe", or whatever terminology you prefer.
I think that fits in to many "spiritual" and non-spiritual (hologram, VR, simulation) paradigms, so I don't think this is a challenging or uncomfortable perspective. It shows how we are all interconnected - "one", really - and offers a model about how what we call "source" interacts with individuals, why our minds are so powerful, why what we give our attention to is described as very important.
So, with that out of the way, here's how it provides a useful model for reconnecting with our crossed-over loved ones. When someone we love dies, a large portion of our mental connections to that person is disrupted, because we are used to interacting, for the most part, to those connections which represent their physical manifestation in our experience. This represents a huge shock to the system which can disrupt our very self-identity. We feel like we are dying, like we've lost something essential to our very being. Although we still have other connections to them (memories, feelings, thoughts, intuitions, ideas, etc.), those connections are not as strong as the connections that were providing physical contact, and we often route those other connections through the disruption because we have no other way to route them developed.
Virtually all of our sense of connection was routed, like a roadway system, through the eight lane interstate highways of physicality. We have no clear map or road paved for alternative connection and communication. All we have in man cases are trails and unpaved back roads with no map. And so, we experience grief, which is itself a form of connection, but based on attention to the disrupted physical connection - like trying to drive across the collapsed and destroyed superhighway.
Continued attention to the disrupted physical connection prolongs and deepens that experience, just as attention to anything deepens and broadens any connection. As Abraham-Hicks often says, if your attention is on your lack of a thing, you well deepen and broaden that lack. If your attention is on drama in a relationship, you get more of it. This is the nature of mind and how it establishes its connections as part of your deep and broad identity experience, or one could say how source or spirit operates. Think negative thoughts, attract negativity; thing positive thoughts, attract positivity.
So, we with crossed-over twin flames/soul mates can either focus on where our connection is painful and lacking, or we can turn our attention to alternative connections - much like a brain can overcome damage by establishing new synaptic connections, or overcome various psychological disorders via various methods that have been shown to actually "re-wire" the brain. We are deliberately re-wiring our mental connections.
This "re-wiring" or developing new roadways can take many forms, depending on connections the individuals may already have or which resonate with them - meditation, guided visualizations & meditation, use of various spiritual practices involving chakras and energy points, mantras, affirmations, use of physical connections like minerals, candles, sacred spaces, nature, etc. This different roadways can lead through widely differing kinds of experiences because the represent different terrain and environments on the way. Logically, different people can see and experience very different things on their paths. (Which would hold true regardless of our motivations or the connection desire we are pursuing, whether or not it had anything to do with contacting a crossed-over loved one.)
We are still deeply connected to our crossed over partners; the problem is that because they were physical, we never had to more fully develop those other avenues of connection (even though many of us experienced them, to some degree, while they were still alive here.) These other connections can be not only every bit as satisfying as the physical connections; they can even be more so - and, there are indeed other forms of physical contact available, like in dreams, sensations of physical contact when we are awake, or via astral projection. We can turn any back road into a super-highway of connection; all it takes is our attention and time.
As Kim LaCapria described in a comment in the Facebook group "Love After Life", these connections can be pursued, deepened and broadened simply by paying attention to them however you can, and embracing them when they come. Explaining them or finding the correct labels isn't necessary (although you have to use something to do so when telling others about it, which she was doing). It may be visual attention like to pictures, thought attention, sensory attention, just a "vibe" you can slip into that feels like you are with them, talking to/with them, memories, visualizations, colognes or perfumes, etc.
In my opinion, romantic soul mates/twin flames are always deeply enmeshed with each other mentally/spiritually. Our mutual connections, perceptions, ideas, thoughts and attention to each other makes us almost parts of the same whole. Disruption of the physical connection is a temporary disruption and, IMO, provides an opportunity to use our attention to dive into other forms of connection that, because of our attention, will certainly deepen and broaden in ways that will probably be total surprises and give rise to sensations and experiences we are completely unfamiliar with. We can feel their thoughts, get intuitive nudges from them, sense their presence; thoughts or feelings we have can be theirs - often, trying to parse the difference as "theirs" or "ours" may be missing the fact that a lot of what we experience, think, feel, intuit, etc. is "ours" - experiencing, thinking and feeling things together, sharing mental synaptic pathways, which may represent a whole new level (at least consciously) of connection intimacy.
Remember, they are also seeking to strengthen connections with you as well; their attention is also on you and strengthening what may be weaker connections, working around disruptive or now-painful connections. All it really takes is just turning your attention to the potential loving, exciting, fulfilling connections and turning your attention away from the lack or the disruption connections. This is the process of healing our connection to our soul mates.
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