
Please excuse the authoritarian style of writing.  When this stuff comes to me via channeling, I can either spend days trying to rephrase everything in editing or just offer the caveat: accept what resonates, ignore the rest.

For most people, when they think of "imagination" they think of creating thoughts or imagery that is confined to being "in their head" - completely personal and unconnected to anything external, private thoughts that only exist in the confines of their physical brain. Thus, we have phrases like "only in your head" or "just your imagination", which trivializes imagination as something fun (or worrisome) but, for practical purposes, largely without any significant effect on the real world and on our real lives.

To begin to understand the true power of imagination and its importance, we must first ask a very simple question:

What is imagination?

The short answer is: attention, sometimes accompanied by intention.  In other words, we use our imagination to focus our attention on something, and often that attention is accompanied by an intention. For example, we can focus our attention on a feeling we have and imagine things we can do about that feeling.  If we are hungry, we might begin imagining things we might enjoy eating.  Or, in our particular cases, we might imagine our crossed-over loved one and start imagining ways we can communicate or be with them.

We usually try to direct our intentions about whatever we have our attention fixed on in a way that comports with what we consider probable or at least possible in our physical experience.  So, if we are hungry, we don't usually spend much time imagining flying to Paris for authentic French cuisine - even if imagining that scenario feels good, we don't usually find it a productive use of time. We don't usually think of things like that as a possibility worth spending any time considering.

To fully understand the power of imagination, we must first realize the power of attention and intention, and the dramatic - miraculous, really - effects it produces every day, virtually every minute of our lives.  

To see an example of this, lift your hand and wiggle your fingers.  Most people don't give this a second thought, but let's look at what is going on when you do this.  Do you know how to activate neural synapses? Do you know which ones to activate? Do you know how to generate particular enzymes and other chemicals required for the energy involved in doing that simple act?  Do you know what activates muscle tissue and makes particular tissues do what you want? Do you have a schematic that shows you the muscles that need to be activated? Do you have a degree in biomechanics that describes the billions of cells and cellular activities that must all work in perfect cooperation in order to lift you hand and wiggle your fingers?

How is it that, without any knowledge of any of this, you are able to professionally operate what is the most complex (by several orders of magnitude) machine known to exist - your physical body - with nothing more than attention and intent? This incredible machine is still largely mysterious and they are still uncovering amazing new things about it all the time.  Yet, you and I operate it easily with only our attention and intention and no other knowledge about it whatsoever, causing hundreds of millions of cellular processes to activate in perfect union and coordination just to wiggle our fingers.

Infants gain the ability to control their bodies via bare attention and intention.  To say they are "learning" how to walk and talk and do other things belies the fact that nobody is teaching them how to map out synapses, enzyme production, how to wire their neural pathways, how muscles work, etc.  They have their attention on mimicking what they see, they intend to do it, and everything else physically maps out for success automatically.

In addition to our ability to operate our body via intent and attention; we can make physical changes to it via attention and intent. It has been shown that we can re-wire our brain, change the actual physical structure and also the synaptic locations and patterns ... by using our attention and our intentions.  Stroke victims and people with other brain damage can form or activate different neural pathways in order to regain lost motor skills or other functions.  People with psychological disorders like PTSD and OCD can use thought, visualization and imagination to intentionally change behaviors with resulting physical changes in the brain.

Rhesus monkeys learned how to control a robotic arm as if it was their own after micro-electrodes were put in their brain. Their brains re-wired themselves, integrating the implants, to be able to manipulate the robotic arm according to simple observation (attention) and intent (such as, to get food).  It has been shown that people can use intent to significantly affect random number generators from miles away. Groups of people meditating with the intent to reduce the crime rate in a given population has been shown to be effective. This shows how attention and intent not only affects just our bodies and psychology, but the actual physical world we experience around us.

We, in the afterlife community, understand that we are not our brain or our body - that our mind is something else, a sort of energy matrix on the "mental level" of existence that cannot die.  We also know from afterlife literature that the mind is very powerful, yet for some reason many of us draw the line at "imagination", often dismissing it entirely.

The imagination is a tool of the mind. It is a form of attention and intention. As we have seen above, attention and intention are so powerful their effects can be seen in the physical world. Think of this: everything that is on the Earth that humans have made, once only existed in someone's imagination, yet they now have physical existence here. The world is literally full of the products of imagination, many imagined long before they were even known to even be possible.

Several sources tell us that anything we can imagine already exists as thought forms in the mental plane.  When we imagine a thing (or a situation, or an idea, or a feeling, etc.) those things already exist as real things on the mental level - one might say, in the infinite potential of source.  When we fix our attention on a thing at the mental level, we are forming energetic connections to that thing in relation to our feeling and sense of it - whether it is a good or a bad thing, whether we feel good about it or bad.

Our energetic mental connections in the level of mind and source generate our experience throughout our dimensional existence, even here in the Earth-physical.  Many sources from within the "spiritual" community and even outside of it express this same view in various ways. It is why self-help gurus, psychologists, business people, even scientists implore people to use their imagination to visualize or think thoughts that are positive towards the goals they want to achieve. Einstein said: "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions."  Many of famed scientist Nikola Tesla's innovations came to him in full in his imagination, fully worked out.  Abraham-Hicks tells us that whatever we imagine already exists, and our connective vibration to it is already bringing it about (which explains how even Rhesus monkeys can create a way to operate a robotic arm in the manner they intend without knowing anything at all about the process.)

These mental connections automatically transfer throughout our multi-dimensional experience, as frequent out-of-body experiencer Jurgen Ziewe reports in his books, and may begin to appear in our experience as having various thoughts, sensations or ideas; as materials we read or view; new people in our lives; signs & synchronicities, etc. These are all examples of connections forming and becoming present in our lives as those connections grow and become more substantial, broader and deeper, and as we overcome or let go of counter-productive mental connections.

So we can see the absurd nature of the thought, "it's only in your mind" or "it's just your imagination" because attention and intention are powerful, directive, creative attributes of mind in source which is the actual origin of all that we experience. When we use our imagination to fix our attention on something that already exists in source potential (and anything we can imagine exists there), we are forming actual connections to that thing that automatically bring it into our experience. It re-wires our brain, changes our bodies and psychology, and manifests physically around us.

This is why finding warm, loving, happy, joyful and exciting imaginative thoughts, images and visualizations with our crossed-over soul mate can be such an important and powerful method of regaining a satisfying and fulfilling transdimensional relationship; this is why validating what we initially think "might be" signs from them, or sensations from them, or thoughts is important; we are activating those connections and seeing them, feeling them, sensing them. Validating them gives them strength. Appreciating them gives those connections energy and power, because in your mind thinking them valid and true is accessing that place in source where the are, in fact, true.

See how that works? Looking at what you think for a second "might be a sign" or "might be a sensation" of your beloved, but then you doubt it is and fear being wrong about it, is forming a connection through the "doubt and fear" sensation space to your partner.  You have the choice of routing that connection through doubt and fear, or through validation and appreciation. Which do you wish to empower?

Validating and appreciating these connections as true and valid directs your vibrational connections through and the "true and valid" source potential because that is your vibrational, mental direction in the plane of mind. As you practice setting your vibration on affirming such connections as true and valid, your experience of them reflects that. Fear and doubt dissipate and are replaced with a sense of knowing and validity. The signs and sensations naturally become more valid, more true, more real because we are directing our connection pathway through that space in source, which affects how and what we perceive and experience. Our experience then becomes more affirming, comforting, happy and fulfilling.

Imagination is using mind to deliberately direct our attention and direction to things that already exist in source and, just as it does here in the physical, it manifests the kind and quality of connection manifestations we experience.  This is what is meant when people say that our thought "creates" our reality; we're not really creating anything, we are using thought and imagination to drive the car of our experience where we want to go on the road system of connections in source, which is where our minds operate.  We can literally go anywhere we can imagine, and experience it any way we want. 
