Engulfed By Irene's Unconditional Love
I've been trying to write this post since yesterday morning. Maybe this time I'll be able to do it justice. First off, I've never been a "love and light" or an "it's all about love" kind of guy. Love is great, don't get me wrong. I've been madly in love with Irene pretty much from the day we met. I've felt my love for her, but never felt her love for me until she crossed over. I mean, I knew she loved me madly - she told me often and demonstrated it and I would often feel lit up inside because of it, but it felt like my emotion, not hers. I think that in this world, this inability to actually feel the love other people have for us is the root of most of our insecurities, doubts and fears when it comes to these kinds of romantic, partnering relationships. You never know what the other person is actually thinking or feeling. Sure, you trust them, but there's still this gap simply because we don't really see or feel what...