Attention Is The Key

Irene and I have been spending a LOT of time together focusing on my being able to see her, touch her, and hear her.  Yesterday we spent 4-5 hours total.  Last week we went three days like that and it culminated in an extremely serene, almost transcendent sensation of being together, without any trace of worries or doubt.

Then family came in and other obligations and I found myself feeling a little numb and disconnected, but I went right back to it and felt totally reconnected very quickly.  I started mentally talking to Irene and envisioning her while family was here to try to maintain the connection. I've honestly been feeling like I'm going to have to tell my family to stay away unless I figure out how to keep their presence from disconnecting me from Irene.  So, I've been working some on techniques to solve that problem.

What this has shown us is that it's all about attention. Yes people, myself included, use the terms "vibration" and "frequency" (and that's an apt enough model), but IMO those terms carry too much baggage.  There is no vibration or frequency involved that you have to "attain" - because you already exist on those "vibrations" and in those "frequencies".  It's not a question of attaining them, it's just a question of putting your attention on what you want to see and experience, and accepting and validating that what you are putting your attention on is real. 

For example, if I turn my attention on Irene and I experience sadness or grief, what my attention is really on is her absence, so I'm drawing my attention to the absence of Irene.  Conversely, if I can put my attention on Irene in a way that I am happy, relieved and excited, then my attention is on the presence of Irene - because that is how I would feel if she was present. 

The subconscious and the nature of this world is one that is always attracting our attention to it, and to the absence of our partners. The question is, how much time would I spend with Irene if I was acting "as if" it is really her with me when I imagine and envision her, and everything we imagine and envision together were were things, situations and places we are bringing into our experience together?

The answer, for me, is a lot.  I'd also spend little attention on a lot of other things - really, I'd only give them as much as they absolutely required.  IMO, when you think about your attention as a steering wheel, where do you want to go? What do you want to experience more of? Less of? Instead of letting the world and subconscious conditioning decide, we can use our conscious mind to make choices all during our conscious day about where we are going and what we will experience.
