Saturday, July 15, 2017 Asking For And Getting A Specific Validation

My meditations are really getting deep and good.  I mean, really good.  There is this indescribable sensation now that I get regularly … it’s like a hum my whole body feels that is peaceful, but centered in my head.  I enjoy it a lot, making it easy to meditate often.  I’m finding it easier to quiet my mind quickly because I know this sensation awaits. There’s also a kind of anticipatory building sensation, as if the hum is building towards something really, really good.  This morning Irene was in my dream, but I forgot what it was about and what she was doing. I know it was only for a second, though.

I was reading the Zammit Afterlife forum and in it there was some talk about how much the afterlife resembled life here – houses, gardens, etc., and I remembered another source saying there were jobs, industry , etc. Then I noticed there was an ad in my news stream for dresses and one dress was really great so I got excited and told Irene to look and clicked on the site and they had these absolutely fantastic dresses.  We had a great time looking through them and I thought about how one of our highlights every day was watching Wheel of Fortune together and we always loved to see what Vanna White would be wearing and we’d critique her dress.  We’d also critique Pat’s suit and the clothes the contestants were wearing, telling them where they went wrong or what they had right.

I remember when I was in high school I go my mom to alter my pants in particular ways so they looked the way I wanted, with wider bell-bottom with black cloth inserted into the bottom of the white pant leg. Throughout my life I've always altered my clothes and put things together in certain ways to get a certain look.  Whenever I was drawing something it was the clothes and outfits that interested me the most; and I’ve always been into Steampunk style.  Whenever I play online games the most fun and interesting part to me – I’m almost embarrassed to say – was dressing up the avatars with cool outfits.  Not just dressing them up, but designing every aspect of the avatar and the clothes to go together into a certain designed look. It's really the only reason I played the games - the games themselves bored me. 

As much as Irene would talk about wanting to run around in nature with as little on as possible, she loved colorful and funky clothes. She made her own bandanna dresses and loved to mix to match her color scheme.  I loved looking at her in her outfits.  She also used to make bead earrings.

A thought jumped into my mind while I was looking through those dresses: “This is one of the things we do on the other side – we design artistic wearing apparel.”  It immediately hit me how totally awesome that would be – she and I designing custom, artistic clothes, dresses, outfits, steampunk gear, etc. Our taste in clothes was totally in sync.

Then I remembered from the book “Soul Smart” about asking your guides for a response by setting a specific kind of message response for you to notice.  So my question I posed to my spirit team was whether or not Irene and I were artistic apparel designers on the other side; if yes, a sign about making dresses or outfits; if no, a sign about clothes being ripped or ripped off a body, and to make it clear to me it was the sign. The book said you’d probably get a response the same day.

A couple of hours later I tried to turn on Netflix to watch a show – it had just been fine earlier, but now it was glitchy, so I turned to Amazon Prime to look to see if anything good was on there.  I almost never look at Amazon Prime. As soon as I turned on Amazon Prime, there it was – the movie, with poster, of “The Dressmaker”.  I had an immediate emotional connection and reaction in my heart. OMG!!!  Validation!

In another Zammit group discussion I was wondering if anyone else felt ambivalent about spiritual “advancement” and just wanted to spend eternity with their loved ones doing stuff in heaven, and a guy said that he did a reading and had two spirits come across that were together and perfectly happy and content to be as they were, spending eternity with each other and doing things together – and that was their message to him. I felt like the message was for me, telling me that yes, Irene and I and our heavenly life is just like that – exactly what I envision and hope for.  I’ve said it before, but it seems that the my longings are really about things I already have in spirit but which are hidden from me while I am here.

I have to find a way of organizing my thoughts about our past and Irene’s stuff.  I found out today that going through what stuff she has left is still a mine field for me. I’m pretty sure whatever is causing the choking sensation has to do with “her stuff” and my knowledge that it was all very precious to her but now it’s just stuff that has to be thrown away.


  1. The Dressmaker is a great movie ! All clothes available today , I find boring and unappealing, but I know you'll design some beautiful pieces !


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