Our Rebellious Personality

Yesterday morning I had two good meditations, but I've still felt this heavy chest sensation at times, like emotional pain waiting to happen.  It came up as a kind of panic attack in the afternoon, after which I asked the spirit team for some encouragement and in my mind I thought that I'd like to get something from the TV, like her name or something to give me assurance.  I calmed down rather quickly, made some lunch and I decided to watch Dark Matter and, in an interesting plot twist, the maker of the ship's android had made the android in her image to house her consciousness. The android maker's name was Irena.  I immediately validated and thanked Irene and the spirit team for the quick encouragement!

This morning I woke up feeling great.  Gerra and I had a long discussion about all sorts of topics, including her mom, life after death, what we come here to learn, etc.  We watched Astral City - it was okay, but it didn't particularly resonate with me.  I have always had a problem with others telling me what reality is and have an instant inclination to rebel against any imposed, seemingly arbitrary ruleset.  It seems to me that Astral City was a vision of the afterlife interpreted through a particular ideological mindset - a rather utopian, socialistic one.

At one point a young girl on the other side rebelled against the "moral authority," platitudes and rules and left Astral City to find the person she loved who was back on Earth, and I was like, "Yeah!!!"  That's me. Only, I don't believe that a rejection of that reality norm means you end up in the "Umbrals", or purgatory, like the movie suggests.

I've been running across some info about reality creation and how it applies to the afterlife.  This is something Irene and I were totally into - creating our own reality, manifesting our own world just for us. We talked about just that many, many times during our life together.  I'm more convinced than ever that not only will I be able to visit Irene soon, but that we already have "our world" (so to speak) in the Astral realms and it is the perfect form of that which we replicated (as best we could) here.

I really do not plan on crossing over and "finding out" what afterlife existence there is like - and then have to fall in line with what "it" already is, but rather crossing over to the existence that matches our vibrational frequency and intentions. One that perfectly matches our rather rebellious and highly individualistic personality as a soulmate couple. What else could you possibly call "Heaven", other than an afterlife perfectly suited to your particular nature?  The more I think about this, the more I know that that is exactly the nature of our relationship.  Irene and I struggled with the world on its terms separately, but created our own world after we got together on nothing but faith and love.  We validated each other so completely, and allowed each other to do as we wished, supporting every creative venture and decision.

I have read here and there about people using various recording apps on their iPads and cell phones to record messages from the afterlife.  I have a couple of apps on my iPad I think would allow for fairly easy communication, so I'm going try those out to see if anything happens.
