The AREI Self-Guided Afterlife Connection Course

I'm remembering more of what I dream now, which is part of my intentions.  The dream I had before waking this morning didn't mean anything to me, but at least I did remember some of it when I woke.

I'm in the process of doing the AREI Self-Guided Afterlife Connection to see if I can get anything out of it, and also it's another thing I can do to "make real" my intention of increasing my communication with Irene.  This morning I read some materials in that process that confirmed several things I had come to believe about what I've been experiencing.

First and foremost, it confirmed the difference between things I deliberately imagine and things that just pop into my mind on their own. There is a big difference in those experiences, and the material confirms that the experiences I have of things just popping into my head does indeed come from outside of my imagination. These are things Irene, other loved ones or my spirit guides put into my head for me to experience.

Second, it mirrored things I have written before about intention. Here is a quote from the material I read this morning preparing for Stage 3 of the guided connection:

The director of our minds is our intention. We intend to recall a memory and it miraculously comes to us, in much the same form as it was when it was formed by experience. We intend to create something new, and novel thoughts come to us. We intend to lift an arm and the body obeys the mind's command immediately. Using our intention, we navigate through life and learn the lessons we are to learn in Earth school.

That sounds like something I've written about intention and how it can amazingly command and precisely coordinate the processes of billions of cellular activities to accomplish ordinary physical tasks - like memory and raising your arm!  It's almost like a quote from me.

This again mirrors what has gone on as long as Irene and I have been together - what I experience and come to think about spiritual things is almost immediately validated by outside sources.  It feels less and less like I'm "figuring stuff out", but rather am just letting stuff I already know come out.

Another exciting validation came while reading the AREI materials - the third one in a row that I asked for about that clutch feeling.  If you remember, when I first asked for validation about the clutch feeling (that it was Irene nearby with me causing it - unintentionally, of course) the butterfly flew right in front of me.  The second time I asked for it my sister emailed me info about a similar story from the Monroe Institute.  I had come to doubt this was the case and asked for another validation about it yesterday and got up and read that this is what it is in the AREI materials - that the presence of a loved one can cause grief feelings.  The materials also said that when you feel that clutch of grief to try to process through those feelings towards feeling love and appreciation and joy at their presence to make it easier for them to contact you and be around you - which is exactly what I had already started doing!

I"m starting to think that everything I feel a connection to, as far as our life in the astral, is going to be true.  I also think that this time now is about me growing my capacity for faith and trust.  If I was able to simply see Irene and talk to her, I wouldn't have to depend on faith, trust and intuition.  Yet, that's exactly what Irene showed me our entire lives together - that those are very important and powerful commodities.  That's something the AREI materials I read this morning also said, and it really resonated with me.


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